The Alaska Watchman has obtained dozens of screen-shot images showing four Palmer City Council members engaged in numerous closed discussions about local politics. The problem is that these exchanges took place in a private Facebook group, out of the public eye, which may violate state law.
Alaska’s Open Meetings Act prohibits three or more members of a policy making body from meeting privately to discuss subjects that the body is authorized to set policy on. The screen shot images, however, clearly show Palmer City Council Members Brian Daniels, Sabrena Combs, Jill Valerius and Julie Berberich all taking part in discussions about a whole host of issues which directly pertain to their office.
The discussions occurred on the Mat-Su Moms for Social Justice Facebook page, a private group that organizes support for left-leaning ordinances, policies and political figures.
Most of the screenshots obtained by the Watchman were taken from October and November of 2020.
Oct. 12, Jill Valerius posted a notice urging people to submit letters and emails ahead of a City Council meeting in which the members were to vote for a new deputy mayor. Fellow Assemblywoman Sabrena Combs responded to Valerius’ post, as did Brian Daniels.

Another screenshot shows a discussion on how to create a civilian-led police oversite commission. During that exchange, Combs posted a comment in which she instructed her fellow council members on how to avoid violating the Open Meetings Act while still participating in the private Facebook chat.
“It’s against the Open Meetings Act for any four members of Council to have a discussion – in person, email, or other forma – outside of a called meeting,” she admitted. “Since the four of us are tagged in this post, if anyone, other than me now writes in this thread, we will be violating that rule.”
To avoid this, Combs suggested her fellow council members send their comments directly to the page administrator so their ideas could still be shared.
Despite this warning, Combs, Berberich, Daniels and Valerius all took part in a Nov. 4 post that discussed the need to take COVID more seriously in Palmer.
In what appears to be a particularly brazen violation of the Open Meetings Act, Combs posted a notice about her plans to introduce a mask-mandate during a special meeting. Daniels, Valerius and Berberich all saw Combs post and “liked” it.
Another post shows Valerius, Daniels and Berberich all part of a thread discussing how to get “progressive voices” to apply for open seats on city boards and commissions. These are positions that the City Council directly appoints.
An Oct. 31 post shows Combs, Daniels and Valerius engaged in a thread looking at how to call out local businesses for not taking sufficient COVID precautions.
At the council’s last meeting on Aug. 24, Mat-Su resident Mike Coons raised concerns about the private Facebook group. Council Member Richard Best then moved that City Manager John Moosey be directed to hire an independent investigator to look into whether the four council members violated the Open Meetings Act.
“Once that report is done, I will take it to the City Council and it will be their decision on what to do with that,” Moosey said on Sept. 9. “I don’t know how long this is going to take. I just engaged with an investigator and plan to sign the agreement today and then report to City Council next Tuesday on what the status is.”
According to the agenda for the upcoming Sept. 14 city council meeting, Moosey intends to contract with attorney Scott A Brandt-Erichsen of Keene & Currall, P.P.C., in Ketchikan, to conduct the investigation. It is not expected to cost more than $4,000.
Click here for detailed information about the upcoming Palmer City Council meeting on Sept. 14.
The “Open Meetings Act” exists for very good reasons and Must be adhered to by ALL public officials all the way down to unelected committee chairmen working for a government committee duly established by that government.
Their flagrant violations must be held to accord. Lawlessness is the basis of all political problems we face as a state and a nation. When “Shall” no longer means it must happen, when our state legislators ignore existing statutes at will without penalty, ignore the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence, the federal government flagrantly violates Alaska’s statehood agreement Alaska AND America are no longer Constitutional Republics.
We have to keep fighting these lawless communists.
They got voted in because conservatives didnt go vote.
You are so right
You guys are all idiot fascists.
I hope Palmerites through these progressive idiots out and send them packing to California. This is not the DNA of that town.
I’m pretty sure these idiots came up FROM California. Ya you guys need to throw them out. I started seeing California putting their nose in alaska business when those pro animal groups were trying to tell us how to manage our wolf population. That was back in 2007. I said yep here we go.
I miss the good old days of tar and feathering crooked politicians!!!!
Good little commies, above the law all the way. More grist for the mill.
We are literally represented by CHILDREN.
I am not a resident of Palmer – but love the small town feel and sense of community that you all have – YOU MUST stand UP and firm against these vermin – just as the farmer stands against the vermin trying to steal his crop or flock – These disgusting people will not stop until they have full control of every aspect of your life – look how they want to control these seemingly minor issues from the past as they have come in – items that no-one pays attention too – however they are making bigger and more advanced leaps into the very fabric of your lives… your children – your religion – your employment – the way you make a living – and if they cannot control that they will control you thru taxation…bottom line – they want to control YOU. Remove them now or face a ruling authority the likes you may have only read about in our history books. Take your community back.
AS 44.62.310 (h) (2) (A) : more than three members or a majority of the members, whichever is less, are present, a matter upon which the governmental body is empowered to act is considered by the members collectively
If they are willing to blatantly violate this in a private group, a controversial group to boot, what other groups do they belong to and have they done this there as well? The laws and rules apply to everyone, not just their subjects.
Pay attention folks! These council members are NOT really for ourbquaint little Palmer. They are for the Communist Agenda sweeping our Country. Don’t let it happen!