In a few weeks, tens of thousands of teens from all across Alaska will be given time during school to fill out the Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Conducted every two years, it collects detailed information about the sexual practices, drug use and general health of Alaska teens.
This year’s survey marks the first time the state will include a question about sexual orientation and gender identity. The survey did not contain this question in past years, dating back to 1995.
Specifically, the new question asks: “Which of the following best describes you? A. Heterosexual (straight) B. Gay or lesbian C. Bisexual D. I describe my sexual identity some other way E. I am not sure about my sexual identity (questioning) F. I do not know what this question is asking.”
Activist groups regularly use this data to push LGBTQ programs in schools and explicite sex education.
Other questions ask students (grades 9-12) to reveal their sexual practices including the last time they had intercourse, how many people they had sex with, whether they used a condom or birth control and how old they were at the time.
The survey also captures information on whether teens felt forced to engage in “sexual things that you did not want to do,” and whether they are regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
Other topics focus on drug and alcohol use, gun safety, mental and physical health, violence, bullying, suicide, connection to community, and student’s views about how involved and connected they are with their parents.
The survey asks teens whether they ever sleep away from their parents’ home because they were kicked out or ran away due to safety concerns. It also asks, “How often does one of your parents talk with you about what you are doing in school.”
Data from the survey is used by the state and other agencies to develop health education, sex-ed courses, behavioral health programs and other youth centered outreaches.
The survey does not ask for a student’s name, and their information is kept anonymous. Participation in the data collection is voluntary and requires a parent to actively give their permission, in writing, per state law. Students older than 18, however, do not need a parent’s permission to fill out the survey.
According to the state’s YRBS website, 2-3% of students typically refuse to participate in the survey, and in 2015, 19% of parents did not give permission for their child to take it.
The survey is part of a national effort run by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Alaska Departments of Health and Social Services and Education and Early Development facilitate the survey.
Nationally, powerful left-leaning activist organizations, such as the Human Rights Campaign, regularly use the YRBS data to push for LGBTQ affirming school environments, including gender fluid bathrooms, transgender sports policies and curriculum that supports the wider LGBTQ agenda. Likewise, Planned Parenthood utilizes YRBS data to push for explicit LGBTQ sex education, birth control and abortion services for youth.
Click here to read the 2021 YRBS survey questions.
Specifically, the new question asks: “Which of the following best describes you? A. Heterosexual (straight) B. Gay or lesbian C. Bisexual D. I describe my sexual identity some other way E. I am not sure about my sexual identity (questioning) F. I do not know what this question is asking.”
What the blank
Your a MALE-Men or FEMALE-Women end of story.
Just take your children or grandchildren out of these public schools.
Home schools like IDEA and Raven should also be private not state controlled.
It’s only a matter of time homeschooling parent advisory team members will bring this sort of thinking onto homeschooling families who thought they left this junk behind when they decided to homeschool, cause every homeschool is controlled by some democratic government bureaucrats.
Now if homeschooling groups weren’t dependent upon government funding.
Homeschool groups aren’t dependent on government funding nor are homeschoolers required to go through a charter program (IDEA and Raven are technically public schools). Parents choose them because they want money. Independent homeschooling is the only way to keep government out.
Just say “NO” if your kid brings home a permission slip for the test. Tell your kids to refuse the test. This liberal BS must be stopped. You are a Male OR a Female AND you do not get to choose – God did the choosing for you!
Only a pedophile would want to know the answer to these questions from underage children. Alaska schools should get rid of this “survey”. It’s more then invasive, it’s disgusting.
On the bright side, Alaska has the highest homeschooling in the nation at 27%, we should make it higher to cripple the Dept of Education and teachers unions.
I hate when the state toes the federal line and pries into the lives of state residents. Just say no to federal spying.
More wasted tax dollars