Alaska has joined Texas in suing the Biden administration for mandating that National Guard members submit to Covid shots as a condition of service.
Both Gov. Mike Dunleavy and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott are plaintiffs in the case against President Biden and his Department of Defense officials. The governors contend that the vax mandate is unconstitutional and usurps state sovereignty while also illegally undermining the governors’ authority as commanders of state National Guard units.
“Our Alaska National Guard has recently responded to winter storm disasters in Yakutat, the Interior, and the Mat-Su. What happens in the next disaster if Guard members can’t be activated because they chose not to get a federally-mandated COVID vaccine?” Gov. Dunleavy said in a statement about the suit. “The federal government has no authority to make health decisions for National Guard members who are at work under state authority.”
According to the Alaska Constitution, the governor is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the state, and as such is authorized to order Guard members who are in active duty.
The lawsuit contends that the mandate imposed on the Alaska Army National Guard and Alaska Air National Guard is a federal incursion into states’ rights. According to the governors’ complaint, because the National Guard has not been placed into federal service, authority over the Guard falls to the governors, and the Pentagon has no right to dictate actions or discipline on state Guard members.
“This is not a case demanding a position of pro- or anti-vaccine, nor is it a case that challenges any aspect of the federal government’s authority over National Guardsmen once federal authority has been properly established,” the lawsuit states. Rather, the Constitution is clear about the National Guard’s dual role of service to the United States and as a state militia. When not in federal service, authority to command the National Guard rests with state governors.
The lawsuit notes that both governors ensured their Guard members met military readiness standards “without compulsion, threat or micromanagement” from the federal government for more than 18 months amid Covid outbreak.
In late August 2021, however, the Secretary of Defense ordered all military members, including the Guard, to get Covid jabs. In November, the Secretary directed the Department of Defense to withhold salaries of unvaccinated, non-federalized, Guard members or deprive them of credit for drills and training.
Thirty-eight members of the Alaska National Guard sent Dunleavy a letter back in early September 2021, urging him defend them from coercive vaccines which would have a “negative impact on military morale, cohesion, and readiness.”
In addition to the National Guard lawsuit, Alaska is also involved in several other cases asking the courts to strike federal vax mandated for employees of large businesses, federal contractors, healthcare workers, and Head Start employees and volunteers.
We all have the right to choose for are selfs.
Not some woke government telling us about our healthcare, your not my doctor.
Again no shot for me, yes I know personally many people with the shot getting the covid and spreading it Its all lies, ok little sheep go over to the edge it won’t hurt, lies and more lies
Don’t need a suit. The USA does not have a President and even if Biden was legitimate, he doesn’t have the authority to mandate anything.
People need to escape from this stupid belief that we need a court’s approval to oppose evil. A 12 citizen jury can overrule the US Supreme Court.
Until you are ready to rebel and live in a lawless country, what a court rules matters. You don’t need a courts approval to act, but you need to follow a courts decree or you have no rule of law. A jury cannot overrule the SCOTUS, the opposite is true.
DoD CAN impose medical readiness standards. That is provem law. The National Guard may fall under a governor’s control, to an extent, that vast majority of its funding comes from the Federal Government there in them allows the mandates. A governor could win the short battle, but the DoD could lose the long fight by not allowing any guardsmen to go to a school. The argument of the vaccine being a readiness requirement has been lost because we keep losing vaccinated people to omicron. Sonwhen the DoD denies all the religious exemptions those folks have a great avenue for a lawsuit.
A new song by Kid Rock “We the People” (google you tube) is Awesome!!! A tour coming soon….
Warning- harsh language, profanity……
The song begins, “We the people in all we do/ Reserve the right to scream ‘F*** you’/ Wear your mask, take your pills/ Now a whole generation’s mentally ill.”
The song later goes on to compare the media’s treatment of Biden to that of former President Donald Trump. Kid Rock said that the song is about “all the craziness going on in our world in the last few years” as well as the “politics and polarization and social justice.”
I want you guys to also fight to loose this stupid damn mask. This covid 19 is way out of hand and needs to come to a screaming end
MRNA is a slow cooking of the immune system. Take out our first line of defense by injection.
What better way to invade a Nation. The enemy are those that push this poison, They are the treasonous.
They know we know they know…
Dunleavy has a hypodermic in one hand and a stop sign in the other pleading to get your jab now saying stop?
Alaskans see your game puppet…