The eight Alaska Republicans who joined nine Democrats in the Alaska Senate to form a left-of-center ruling coalition have all but ensured that any meaningful conservative ideas will be swiftly sidelined in the upcoming legislative session.
The presumptive Senate Majority Leader Gary Stevens has said the Senate will avoid so-called “controversial” issues, and instead focus on the budget, education, and funding the ever-growing list of “essential” services provided by the state.
These eight Republicans who abandoned the formation of a GOP-controlled State Senate have all but guaranteed that lawmakers will avoid critical issues like protecting the unborn, election integrity reform, a full statutory PFD, school choice, parental rights, serious educational accountability or holding activist judges accountable. These are simply too “divisive” for a bipartisan coalition dominated by Democrats.
But the reality is that avoiding these topics is already highly controversial. Alaskans voted to send an 11-9 Republican majority to the Alaska Senate. By ignoring the will of the people, these eight Republican turncoats have effectively shown that the “R” behind their name means absolutely nothing at all.
It’s incumbent on Alaska voters to contact each of these lawmakers and demand an accounting for why they have shunned the will voters.
— Click Bishop (R-Fairbanks): (907) 978-8540 or Senator.Click.Bishop@akleg.gov
— Gary Stevens (R-Kodiak): (907) 317-0124 or ritstev@gci.net
— Bert Stedman (R-Sitka): (907) 821-2378 or bert.stedman@yahoo.com
— David Wilson (R-Wasilla): (907) 360-1691 or davidwilsonforsenate@gmail.com
— Jesse Bjorkman (R-Nikiski): (907) 394-6796 or votebjorkman@gmail.com
— Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage): (907) 242-5450 or cgiessel@icloud.com
— James Kaufman (R-Anchorage): (907) 538-5262 or james@kaufman4alaska.com
— Kelly Merrick (R-Eagle River): (907) 250-1443 or contact@kellyforakstatesenate.com
Stop calling them Republicans! Call them by their real names; traitors, turncoats and liars.
And thieves. They stole votes by lying.
Sounds very Trumpian, Henry.
RINO for short.
A bitter disappointment and a betrayal of the voters.
Those elected need to be accountable for their actions when it goes against what the people who voted them in for. All these lies they spew out during election time…
I think it’s time for people to get together and do some protesting
Protesting? War is upon us.
The Alaskans were warned just look back on SB 76 what you have are DENMONRATS in RINO skins
They are lying thieves. They lied to their constituents so basically stole their votes. Disgusting. Zero integrity from my perspective. What in the world do they have to say for themselves? It is very disheartening that so many have such little character. It sure seems as if it as planned. Democrats masking as republicans just to get elected. No ethics, no morality. They should all be recalled.
Good grief. I did not proof read. Hope anyone reader can make some semblance of sense around my typos and ‘auto-mistake’. I do know better. Haste makes waste for sure.
Are you all a bunch of teenagers? I haven’t heard name-calling like this since middle-school.
Oh? T… Network, You must not be keeping up on the comments that you and your buddies have been posting on these pages then!
“Avoiding controversial issues.” What a line! The coward avoids talking about the most important topics while making himself look virtuous. A Democrat could not have said it better.
This whole Soros infiltrated election was a fraud. Kelly won.