It turns out that the Anchorage School District is not the only publicly funded entity distributing a children’s books that teaches minors how to create digital porn, engage in anal sex and explore sexual fetishes.
The book in question is “Let’s Talk About It,” by Erika Moen. It was discussed during the Feb. 7 Anchorage School Board meeting, when a concerned father protested the district’s distribution of the book through its libraries at Bartlett High School and Romig Middle School.
A quick search of the Alaska State Library system, however, shows that the same book is available at the Anchorage Loussac Library, Fairbanks Borough Library and the public libraries in Juneau, Palmer, Soldotna and Willow, along with the Kuskokwim Consortium.
The book instructs children to use editing software and apps to hide or crop out their “recognizable features” before texting sexual photos of themselves to friends. It also encourages youth to research their favorite sexual fantasies, kinks and porn stars online. At one point, the book introduces children to the idea of anal sex, calling it “practical and pleasurable,” and a “primo erogenous zone for touching and penetrating.”
While “Let’s Talk About It” is particularly graphic, both in the written descriptions and illustrations, it is just one of hundreds of LGBTQ books being disseminated to children in public and school libraries across the state. A topic search on district websites in Anchorage, Mat-Su, Fairbanks, Juneau and the Kenai reveals that these school districts stock scores of books encouraging children to explore various aspects of LGBTQ sexuality. Some of these volumes are romance novels, while others are explicit instructional books on how to engage in myriad sexual activities.
Government promoting but sex to kids!!!!!
WHAT??? Governor, time to corner you and have you explain why your allowing this
…..the Governor doesn’t moderate this stuff, it is library boards
And parents. As to what their kids are reading in their homes.
“Governor Dunleavy .. What’s going on ? ” What are you doing to put a stop to this? “”” SILENCE !!! .. It’s way past time for prison registrations for this.
Governor dunleavy, we know you and or your staff like Dave stiren, Todd Smolden, Rick green etc are reading the watchman and the post!!!!! For you to continue being silent on this wicked aggressive tax funded destruction aimed at kids is causing people to scream at their screens! It’s not going to be good when people see you in public!!! Speak and act now!!!!!
This is disgusting. Is the library handing out beer and ciggies also? When the kids get done with their porn and sex they’ll probably want a ciggy. Governor Dunleavy could put a stop to this. Why isn’t he? At what point people, are we going to say enough is enough and get the recall petition floating around again?
Interesting projection FoH. Apparently YOU smoke after looking at porn and having sex, and want kids to as well-with products bought with our tax money.
With you on the governor recall.
Maureen, take a deep breath and look at your response, seriously the emphasis here is that the governor in fact does have jurisdiction over these issues and proof of effective governance is actions Desantis and Sarah Huckabee Sanders took! No actions from dunleavy is completely unacceptable!
Now breathe again slowly.
Lol, Maureen. No, I don’t smoke and I don’t look at porn because it is against my faith. As long as the library is permitting sinful topics in their libraries, I was just thinking that maybe they ought to go for the gusto and hand out beer and ciggies also. Maybe the beer and ciggies would outrage the parents and make them think about what is happening at the libraries!
Thank you Dave. Maureen does need to take a deep breath. Must be pretty tiring to always be coming up with sick, twisted answers all of the time.
I bet you didn’t complain about government over reach when Tom Sawyer or A Swiftly Tilting Planet was removed from the school libraries.
You guys need to stop the fake outrage. It’s so obtuse.
Why don’t you guys actually read those books first, rather than let a sex-obsessed, homophobic and paranoid person TELL you what to think about them?
Obtuse, ha ha!
You should change your screen name to “GroomYour Teens”.
I agree Steve. We used to have clear ways and means on how we handled adults who wanted to have sex with children- or would abide others having sex with them. I hope we get back to that asap in order to protect children and their innocence.
I am so tired of the oily pornographic glaze in our culture. We need to make it almost impossible for children to access it. I could easily be talked into making it hard for adults to access it as well. It is a degradation for all involved. Just one among many salient points, how do you ensure that the subjects involved are not trafficked? You can not 100% do so. Therefor if you access pornography you likely are complicit in sexual abuse.
You are misusing the term Grooming.
Sarah, if the term, “Grooming” is being misused, can you please give us your definition of “grooming?” I would be interested in hearing your definition!
FoH-to groom means to prepare someone for a particular purpose or activity.
You are grooming adults to expect government to set what kids can and can’t read.
I thought y’all were for less government. Why do you want the government to grow with your effort for the government to now usurp the role of parent?
Maureen, interesting how you twisted this meaning out-of-context in relation to the topic that was being discussed.
The book is in the Ketchikan library too. The amount of groomers defending it on Facebook is disgusting.
Parents and guardians of children in Ketchican: if you don’t want your kids to read these books-tell your kids not to read these books (or these subjects).
Maureen, take another deep breath!!!
Remember the children are vulnerable and government has the obligation to protect those children as an extension of the parents while they are in the system known as public schools! For these vulnerable ones to be sexually exploited and experimented with with tax dollars supplementing it????? Crazy isn’t it?
Slow begin breathing again.
How was it that in years past children were protected by trusted institutions such as schools
and libraries from extreme violence, pornography, and simply not age appropriate material. Books used to be classified – ‘children’s’, ‘adult’, etc and I remember even a sign that said ‘adults only’ at a local library I frequented as a child. Now there seems to be no protection and the destruction of the innocence of childhood seems to be the order of the day. Forcing upon children such material
They are not yet mentally, emotionally, physically, even spiritually not ready for is damaging, even traumatic. This has nothing to do with violating freedoms. To isolate inappropriate books to a protected area is not banning books, it is protecting children.
Yes, there used to be a clear line between adults and minors. That line has been erased and that is the point. They are giving minors the authority to make decisions they clearly are not ready to make, and the parents are stuck picking up the pieces, although some parents are encouraging some of it. They are constantly trying to reduce the age of consent; and that is also the point.
As a parent do you not monitor what your kids are reading? Or listening to for that matter-geez my parents made one brother return his Goodbye Yellowbrick Road album and another brother’s Cecelia 45. And told us libraries were tremendous assets for learning about all things in the world.
The following suggestion I am making is to the watchman and the writers for this fantastic forum!
It’s plain to see for all Alaskans both engaged and not that our system of governance is shattered beyond repair; so to suggest to us citizens that an appropriate response to the wicked aggression happening to our children is to carry picket signs, or speak into a microphone for three minutes to a cadre of disinterested “leaders” exhaust already exhausted people who continue to see no results! Try surveying the concerned people and you will find out that all ages will indicate the same story! What can we do? Nothing will change! Destruction is inevitable!
A sobering look at this will give overwhelming evidence that leads to this same conclusion!
Dunleavy as the governor has the ability to do what Desantis did , take the books off the shelf himself!
Sarah Huckabee Sanders just did the same thing!
Why are we not focusing on Dunleavy??? Recalling him? Now carbon credit junk sale so mr peltola and dunleavy’s brother Francis can get richer from abuse of the Alaskan citizens?
I am so confused and look to the watchman as this states last opportunity to communicate with discernment!
Please accept and consider my thoughts
I agree about Dunleavy Dave. I understand that we need to tackle the topic, but the governor is allowing the “topic” to continue. Oh shoot, he is allowing so many things to continue that do not protect We The People!
Okay it’s time to recall Dunleavy!
Me, too. Agreed.
Though he as governor can’t really do anything in this particular situation.
Hey governor are you aware of what just happened an hour ago? Silence from dunleavy!!!! Stupefying
He’s too busy trying to figure a way for the state to make money off of guilty climate alarmists.