In 2020, the Juneau Assembly approved the creation of a “systemic racism review committee,” which was tasked with analyzing ordinances and alerting the assembly to any possible racist undertones or unforeseen racist outcomes. This work is done before the assembly takes any actions or holds public hearings on an ordinance, although this process can be overridden if deemed necessary.
In originally approving the committee, the assembly admitted that “systemic racism” is often covert, tricky to define and sometimes difficult to objectively identify.
Critics of systemic racism theory argue that it is intentionally ill defined and vague in order to undermine ideas, people and legislation without having to show any actual, objective instances of racism. In essence, one can be guilty of promoting systemic racism without even knowing it. The idea is often used as a political weapon to discredit any number of individuals or organizations.
The Juneau law states that systemic racism may be found in “all aspects of society, including but not limited to education, criminal justice, elections, housing and political power.”
Given the seemingly endless situations, subtle expressions and locations where “systemic racism” might lurk, the review committee now wants to expand the size and scope of its investigative powers.
During a Nov. 16 Systemic Racism Committee meeting, several members began brainstorming how the group might become more proactive. Rather than merely vetting legislation once it is nearly complete, they want the power to proactively initiate their own investigations into any number of borough systems, practices and procedures.
Essentially, the committee seeks to expand its influence beyond mere ordinances and code issues. They also want a say in how various boards run, what the budget looks like, how key positions are filled and what personnel rules govern the daily workings of local politics.
They also want to keep an eye on all other committees and boards to ensure these bodies are not consciously or subconsciously contributing to systemic racism.
The Systemic Racism Committee continued working on its proposal during a Feb. 22 meeting with the aim of eventually bringing it to the Juneau Assembly for final approval.
Sounds like moreliberalgarbage to me. We didn’t have a problem prior to these people getting to ok to do this job and I use that term loosely. I say disband them and press on.
systemic racism has become the go to default excuse everytime someone doesn’t agree with people anymore. it now seems that the people crying racism are the true racist for they play the race card all the time anymore.
AMen to that, time for everyone to stop looking at the color of a person’s skin, rather judge on the content of their character.
I wish I could get reparations! After all I identify as a victim of a society that has gone insane! It’s giving me unrecoverable harm!!
They look and sound like the KKK to me.
Why is it called systemic racism?
The true definition is: It must discriminate against white people.
“Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.”
― Hannah Arendt
Here’s your trigger word for the day
Off topic: What have you heard about Three Bears’ association with the PFD???
Here’s another one: Did you know that Enstar Natural Gas is not an Alaskan-owned company? I don’t know how long this has been. But, this ESG-loving Canadian AtlaGas company that owns Enstar is going to sell it to another ESG-loving Canadian Company TriSummit. TriSummit’s purchase of Enstar is their first United States company.
Don’t worry dunleavy has our back! What, where’d this shiv come from?
Here’s a few links:
Dave, in the event that my answer to your question does not get posted because it was marked for moderation. I just gave links to support my comments about Enstar. I found my information by looking at Enstar’s page, then AltaGas, then TriSummit.
I posted this off-the-topic information because I had tried to submit this stuff as news tips, but something was blocking me from being able to submit the information.
The “committee” wishes to direct funding, impose ideology and to establish a footprint in governance. Their cult-like agenda and adherence to Marxist tenets informs all of their objectives.