There will be a public comment hearing for the proposed parental rights bill introduced by Gov. Mike Dunleavy. On April 13, at 5:15 p.m., the public will have a chance to weigh in on House Bill 105, which would bar public schools from hiding a child’s sexual identity or health records from parents, while requiring parental permission before educators discuss any sexual matters with students. The legislation also requires schools to separate locker rooms and restrooms according to biological sex at birth.
To date, testimony in the House Education Committee has been overwhelmingly opposed to the bill, thanks to educational unions, LGBTQ activist organizations and groups like Planned Parenthood urging their supporters to call, email and write against the parental rights bill.
To testify on House Bill 105, call any of the following numbers on April 13, at 5:15 p.m.
— Juneau: (907) 586-9085
— Anchorage: (907) 563-9085
— Statewide: (844) 586-9085
— To send a letter to the members of the House Education Committee, click here.
No, it’s just an unpopular bill and your weird creepy little cult masquerading as Christianity is actually just a loud minority. Sorry.
The left always tries to make Conservatives as a minority, when infact, Conservatives/Humanity-loving People/Christians are the MAJORITY. Thank you for weighing in with your scripted answers. Truth wins in the end.
Thank you for the contact info Joel!
Did you even read the bill?
I know you would prefer to have unfettered and open access to groom children for your pleasure, but we love our children and will fight to protect their innocence. You will never have them. We see who you are.
Christians are not the loud minority, there are a lot of us, you are thinking of the gay community.
Interesting. No actual argument to support your beliefs, just a blunt statement followed by an insult. Let me ask you this. Is it your belief that only Christians want to protect their children from, well, the kinds of people who would fight against this bill? Also, can you explain what it is about this bill you find not to your liking? And finally, what exactly is it you want to do to my children that I, as a parent, should not be aware of? Please be specific.
Parents and caregivers should know what is being taught or presented to their kids especially in the age of twisted and confused ideologies that have made such inroads into academics where they do not belong. There are provisions in place for at risk youth whose home life may not be safe. The bill is not endangering students it is returning autonomy to the parents where it should be, and used to be.
This bill confuses me ! Especially in light of dunleavy and his department of OCS! They are bribing foster kids to watch and become desensitized to the lgtbwhatever agenda videos! What the hell is being pushed here! Anyone from the demented dunleavy administration like to explain this crap!!!!!!!!! ?
Can anyone in Alaska tell me how to testify DURING the hearing from phone or zoom? Is this even possible?
If you call one of the above numbers tomorrow at 5:15pm or shortly thereafter listed under the “take action” section you will be able to testify live……but be prepared that you may have to wait on hold for a while……possibly 4-5 hours.
If you cannot testify live, you can ask that your testimony be entered into record. Email it to your state rep referencing House Bill 105. Or email House.Education@akleg.gov and ask them to enter it. Or both.
Thank you for this information -A. I had emailed them, but did not ask to have it entered into record. I’ll re-email them and make this request.
There is already a move to take children out from under authority of the parents. If a child as young as 12 wants to take a class at UAF the professor will not talk to the parent unless the child gives permission. In MI, my friend got a letter from a medical clinic saying that because of new state laws, if she wants to see her child’s (as young as 11) medical records she has to get permission from the child.
I believe, that even if the bill gets passed we are just going to have to keep putting out fires and how do you trust public educators if they are speaking out that they want to withhold information from the parent?
This call-in testimony process is a joke. Watching 4-13-23 live stream. How many testimonies can a group listen to before they just starting tuning out? How about we put this out for a paper ballot vote to the People instead? Obviously, there are a lot of strong feelings among each group and the board is looking pretty bored with listening to all of the testimony.
I would be interested in seeing how many callers from each side were allowed in the first round of testimony. Both sides should be equally represented.
I would be interested in seeing how many callers from each side were allowed in the 4/13/23 testimony. Both sides should be equally represented.
4/20/2023 at noon – what is going on?
Parents already have choice, who the Fook would let their children to go to public school?