The Alaska State Senate Republican Caucus may be relegated to minority status, thanks to GOP defectors who sided with leftist Democrats to create a bi-partisan ruling caucus, but the six-member minority says it’s prepared to fight for fiscal discipline, economic growth and personal freedoms.
The minority group issued a Jan. 20 statement in the lead up to the start of the next assembly of the State Legislature on Jan. 21. Below is the sketch of their broad game plan over the next several months in Juneau.
Fiscal discipline, strengthening the economy and protecting personal freedoms. We hold strong to these values as the Senate Republican Caucus, and they will be our north star in the 34th Alaska Legislature, which begins Tuesday.
North Slope oil prices are $4.14 per barrel lower than predicted for the current fiscal year, and the state is receiving $220 million less than expected. The decline is expected to continue over the next few years.
Fiscal discipline is how we will achieve a viable and promising future, one that can be sustained and where people can thrive. To get there, we must streamline state government without sacrificing essential services; we must prepare a ready workforce by improving public education outcomes with proven strategies. We must empower the private sector to drive growth and to foster vibrant communities. All of this is do-able, realistic, and necessary. Our proposals in the legislature will be to this end.
We are optimistic that new doors will be opening for Alaska thanks to new national leadership and Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s efforts to work with President Donald Trump to spark new development, bring in new industries, and re-open Alaska for responsible resource development.
The way forward is to create opportunity, which the national efforts will certainly do for Alaska. Consider how much more we could do if state efforts were in sync? The Senate Republican Caucus will have this focus.
We know opportunity involves a strong private sector economy. State overspending will not set up our children and grandchildren to enjoy the freedoms and full potential of Alaska, to enjoy the beauty and all our state has to offer. Growing our economy will.
When industry flourishes, Alaska flourishes, and residents who want to be productive can make their American dream come true. We love this state and its people, and we want to set up future generations for success.
Our team is led by a pilot and war veteran and members come with diverse life experience. We have seasoned lawmakers and new blood. The caucus includes a truck driver, a builder, a retired corporate executive, a retired teacher and a former healthcare executive. We are parents and grandparents, small business owners, volunteers in our communities, residents past and present in rural and urban Alaska, on and off the road system.
Our values reflect the values of mainstream Alaskans. We believe in common sense conservative leadership and understand how critical fair elections are. We have vision and practical solutions. Our priority is not a bureaucratic state, but a constitutional government poised to serve the people.
We will have members of our caucus on almost every Senate committee, and we plan to use our voice to uphold Alaskan values. We will work with Senate Republicans and members outside of our caucus who aspire toward accountable, efficient and transparent government that provides opportunities and respects personal freedoms.
We stand ready to steer Alaska toward a fiscally-sound future with responsible resource development; improved education outcomes for our children; and a flourishing private economy where hard-working Alaskans can pursue happiness and opportunity – and achieve goals and success.
— Minority Leader Senator Mike Shower (Mat-Su/Valdez/Healy)
— Senator Mike Cronk (Tok/Northway/Fairbanks)
— Senator Shelley Hughes (Palmer/Knik-Fairview)
— Senator James Kaufman (Anchorage)
— Senator Robert Myers (North Pole/Fairbanks)
— Senator Robert Yundt (Wasilla)
Looks like Dunleavy has latched onto DJT’s coat tails. For Alaskans this is probably not a bad thing simply because Dunleavy lacks what can be called
“The Right Stuff”.
my immediate response is BULLSHUT THE DOOR! SHEL HUGES is a smear campaign expert who uses makeup to cover up her corruption! Shower has spent an enormous amount of effort plucking low hanging fruit that was already sitting in Bidens lap.Yundt is a loyalist to dunleavy.
BE PREPARED FOR A 200 DOLLAR PFD AS YOUR LAST ALLOTMENT, because the compromise and surrender is just about complete!
It is pretty interesting that once the politicians out here in the Mat-Su Valley got rid of David Eastman and brought in three more of their own, that they now want to make a big ruckus and “fight for Alaskans.” It is all a game where these guys decide what is best for Alaskans and they call the shots.
Your efforts are appreciated. Too bad there are those that want to keep the kaos and spitful comments moving along. We are praying for you and know that you will do your best for Alaska.
Thank you