Alaska’s D.C. delegation voted to advance a bill that would protect infants who survive an abortion procedure from then being killed by infanticide after they are born.
By a vote of 217 to 204, the U.S. House passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act on Jan. 23, with Alaska Rep. Nick Begich being one the bill’s sponsors. All but one Democrat, Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX), voted against the GOP backed legislation.
On the Senate side, the vote was 52 to 47 to advance the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act. Both Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski voted in favor of the bill, but it still fell short of the 60 votes needed to end cloture and advance for a final vote.
Sullivan was one of 46 co-sponsors of the Senate bill. Murkowski did not cosponsor the bill but did vote in favor of it despite her pro-abortion stance on most other legislation dealing with abortion.
Every Republican Senator voted for the bill, apart from Bill Hagerty (TN) who was not present at the time. On the flip side, every Democrat voted against protecting newborns from infanticide. This comes at a time when Democrats are increasingly pushing for abortion on demand, without limits, and even killing babies who survive abortion attempts.
If passed, the bill would give teeth to a 2002 bill by allowing for the imprisonment of abortionists who fail to provide the same standard-practice medical care to a baby who survives an abortion as they would to any other newborn.
The bill stipulates that doctors who fail to provide this care to abortion-surviving infants would face up to five years in prison. Additionally, physicians who take overt acts to kill the newborn would be punished under federal murder laws.
Congress unanimously banned infanticide more than 20 years ago, but the bill was devoid of any enforcement mechanism, which the current bill seeks to correct.
While the GOP now enjoys control of both the U.S. House and Senate, Republicans must convince at least seven Democrats to support the bill in order to overcome the 60-vote filibuster threshold.
I see that tbe Roman Catholics, Saduccees and Ayatollahs are at it again. Republicans only love the babies until they are born; healthcare, maternity leave and education for these new lives i(f given at
all ) is distributed minimally and begrudgingly.
You know that is false. Have you ever visited a women’s care center? The support offered goes far beyond birth. But if it is so important to you to be able to murder babies for your own selfish reasons, what have you done to help women whom you pressured to abort heal their trauma? We do that too.
It good to see Lisa Murkowski, finally doesn’t have a job if she didn’t change her ways start to think like an Alaskan again and vote for good things. I hope Trump or should I say Kennedy stops abortions all together. Now days there is no reason to get pregnant. Abstention is a good start. If that doesn’t work lady’s know when their last cycle was and the days to not have sex to prevent pregnancy.
Don’t give Lisa Murkowski too much credit. We still have nominees to get confirmed and she’s from the establishment side. Alaska needs a STRONG, Competent Candidate like Kelly Tshibaka to go against her. I hope the GOP finds someone.
I’d vote for her if she promised to sing her oath in Tongues.
Isn’t it telling that Democrats support infanticide. This is murder plain and simple. How do they justify killing a living, breathing, child?
It comes from their zero-sum-game not-enough-to-go-around BS misconception. Their entire Malthusian X redistributive cosmic justice worldview depends on it, even though it is a completely false set of foundational premises. Mix in some envy, some self-aggrandized moral superiority, and some end-justifies-the-means pseudo-ethics, and you have the evil that is the Leftist mind-virus.