
News and Stories that affect liberty and the public and private freedoms we enjoy, or are entitled to, as proclaimed in the Alaska State Constitution, or endowed by our creator.

OPINION: The Green Lobby is evil and motivated

Super Bowl television advertisements have become part of American culture. The number one ad in 2010 was for an Audi diesel-electric hybrid. You can watch it, and the “extended footage” versions, on You Tube. Entitled “The Green Police,” it featured

OPINON: America is likely beyond saving

The American union is likely beyond saving through either politics or religion. I don’t enjoy saying that. The disconnect is too far gone. You can neither reason nor argue with a madman, a mob or a monkey. The mainstream media censors everything and accuses

Why is Juneteenth controversial?

Juneteenth has been commandeered by cultural leftists in an effort to cast America as a continually – and fundamentally – racist nation that has made precious little - if any -