Biden admin takes aim at school archery, hunter safety classes in Alaska and across the U.S.
In a move that could impact popular student archery and hunter safety courses across Alaska, the Biden administration is now withholding key federal funding for elementary and secondary schools that provide archery or hunting classes. The U.S. Department of
OPINION: The Green Lobby is evil and motivated
Super Bowl television advertisements have become part of American culture. The number one ad in 2010 was for an Audi diesel-electric hybrid. You can watch it, and the “extended footage” versions, on You Tube. Entitled “The Green Police,” it featured
OPINION: In an uncertain world, Alaskans must move toward food independence
Here in Nenana, agricultural land has been opened up and we have had several meetings about the use of the land and the ideas people have for it. Personally, as long as the farmers don’t destroy the environment with pesticides, I’m all for it.
OPINON: America is likely beyond saving
The American union is likely beyond saving through either politics or religion. I don’t enjoy saying that. The disconnect is too far gone. You can neither reason nor argue with a madman, a mob or a monkey. The mainstream media censors everything and accuses
Independence Day celebrations across Alaska
Communities all across Alaska are gearing up for parades, picnics and festivities to mark Independence
All-day Independence Day festivities set for July 4 in Wasilla
Mat-Su patriots will be out in force for the annual Independence Day parade in Wasilla on July 4. Typically, the all-day celebration draws thousands of residents to downtown Wasilla. An announcement from the City of Wasilla notes that this year’s
Alaskans invited to robust celebration of the true meaning of Independence Day
Alaskans invited to celebrate the true meaning of Independence
Supreme Court rules web designer doesn’t have to create sites for same-sex ‘weddings’
In a 6-3 ruling, which appears to have implications for local laws in Alaska, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that a Colorado web designer has the right to refuse to create websites for same-sex ‘weddings.’ Hailed as a victory for free speech, the case
Alaska’s top federal prosecutor assures gay pride crowd that she will fight ‘noncriminal’ bias
Alaska’s top federal prosecutor tells gay pride crowd she aims to confront ‘noncriminal acts of
Why is Juneteenth controversial?
Juneteenth has been commandeered by cultural leftists in an effort to cast America as a continually – and fundamentally – racist nation that has made precious little - if any -