Alaska pot shop owner teaches UAA students how to make edibles in accredited class
From Feb. 14 to March 2, a Mat-Su based recreational marijuana retailer, Baily Stuart, will be partnering with the state-funded University of Alaska, Anchorage to provide Anchorage students with a hands-on, fully accredited course that includes teaching the
EDITORIAL: Book bans, bonfires & depravity in Alaska’s libraries
Book banning is generally frowned upon these days, but when Alaska’s publicly funded libraries peddle filth that encourages children to text naked photos of themselves, explore internet porn and consider the benefits of anal sex experimentation, we’ve got
7 Alaska public libraries carry book encouraging kids to view porn, explore anal sex
It turns out that the Anchorage School District is not the only publicly funded entity distributing a children’s books that teaches minors how to create digital porn, engage in anal sex and explore sexual fetishes. The book in question is “Let’s Talk
School Board silences Anchorage dad for objecting to anal sex book in student libraries
The Anchorage School District has no business giving minor children books that tell them how to have anal sex and create their own online porn. This is the message that concerned father and local educational advocate, Jay McDonald, tried to relay to the
TODAY: Public hearing on plan to increase Alaska’s education budget by $250M
On Wednesday, Feb. 8, Alaskans will have a chance to weigh in on a controversial proposal to pump an additional $250 million into Alaska’s failing public education system. The hearing on Senate Bill 52 will take place in the Alaska Senate Education
OPINION: Ways Alaska can address its ongoing workforce crisis
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum People of all ages are unprepared for the evolving job market, but Alaska can adopt policies to help learners prepare for good careers and meet the needs of the state’s economy. Alaska businesses are
Alaska’s Senate majority considers slashing PFD to add $250M to public education
Alaska’s Democratic-controlled Senate majority caucus is attempting to justify deep cuts to this year’s Permanent Fund Dividend checks in order to pump an extra $250 million dollars into public education, along with paying down massive amounts of
Alaska Assoc. of School Boards wants hundreds of millions more for failing public schools
The Alaska Association of School Boards (AASB) is lobbying state lawmakers to pump hundreds of millions of more dollars into Alaska’s failing public school system next year. In particular, the AASB wants the State Legislature to approve a massive expansion
Alaska Health Dept. promotes pro-abortion, LGBTQ youth group in Homer
While Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy recently told the Alaska Legislature that he wants to make Alaska the “most pro-life state in the country,” his subordinates over at the Alaska Department of Health are undermining this vision by promoting a radical LGBTQ
NEA-Alaska’s vision is a tired and disastrous nightmare for our kids
All sides of the educational debate are now forced to admit that most government-run schools in Alaska are an abysmal failure. Every new study reinforces the fact that Alaska students continue to languish at the bottom of the pile in terms of basic – yes