Atheists & Satanists continue to mock prayers at Kenai Assembly meetings
In his address to the Massachusetts Militia on Oct. 11, 1798, President John Adams said that “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Nearly 221 years later, Alaskans intend
OPINION: Alaska unions need to scrap radical political activism
“Dunleavy’s attack on unions is an attack on all Alaskans,” or so read the Sept. 29 headline of an Anchorage Daily News commentary piece by union leader Jake Metcalfe, the executive director of the Alaska State Employees Association. The column was in
No religious exemption for AK teachers who breach gender-identity policy
Earlier this week Alaska Watchman reported that all teachers who are certified by the Alaska Department of Education are now forced to abide by a new gender identity policy with regards to students. This is thanks to a revision to the “Code of Ethics” put
Alaska teachers forced to refer to students by preferred gender identity
Many Alaska schools now mandate that teachers refer to students by their preferred gender identity, even when it contradicts the student’s biological sex. In 2016 the Obama administration instructed schools to treat students in accord with their preferred
Court: Anchorage women’s shelter is not required to admit men identifying as women
Anchorage officials cannot force a faith-based women’s shelter in Anchorage to admit biological males in its overnight facility. This comes after Anchorage officials dropped a complaint against the Downtown Hope Center over the shelter’s refusal to allow
Transgender talk sparks lively exchange in Anchorage restaurant
About 250 people packed into Gallos Mexican Restaurant in South Anchorage last week to listen to a presentation by a leading national bioethicist who concluded that transgenderism is fundamentally a psychological disorder. Father Tad Pacholczyk’s Sept. 26
Parental rights organizer needed for ‘at risk’ Alaska
A leading national parental rights organization, with the mission to “educate and inform the public and policymakers regarding parental rights,” is in need of an Alaskan coordinator to help introduce legislation in the Alaska Legislature that strengthens
Sen. Murkowski seen as ‘key’ vote in bill to restrict religious freedoms
In 2010 Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski initially voted to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. In 2013, however, she changed her mind and voted for same-sex marriage, so long as religious freedom remained intact. Now, with most of those freedoms
Rejecting state funds allows Anchorage homeless shelter to boldly share the Gospel
It was September, dark enough already for the northern lights to illuminate the tent where Daniel Bates was living in the margins of Fairbanks. The weather was bleak, his life was bleak, and no amount of alcohol was numbing the bitterness of either.
Fairbanks candidates take opposing stances on hot-button social issues
The Oct. 1 Fairbanks North Star Borough elections could have a significant impact on pro-life laws and policies dealing with LGBTQ issues. This according to both Alaska’s leading abortion proponents and pro-life advocates. Planned Parenthood, which provides