
Opinion Pieces from the various perspectives of our contributors.

The morphing of the pro-life movement

“We are in a real war, with real blood being shed, real lives being lost, a true genocide in our midst.” “This is a war, a bloody war, for the soul of our country.” “We fight not only in the temporal world, but the Powers, Thrones, Dominions and
Announcement news boy

Headlines and history on the day Roe fell

These headlines you will not see on this historic day: “Unborn children empowered” “Court Restores Constitutional Federalism” “Nation Braces for Lawless Anarchy by Unhinged Abortion Supporters” “Prolife Movement Praises God, Prolife Justices”

Alaska’s largest city is at an ideological crossroads

Barring a major comeback over the next few days, it appears that the Anchorage Assembly will add yet another hard-core leftist to its ranks. Daniel Volland, who is supported by, and cut from the same cloth as, controversial Assemblyman Christopher Constant,

The fake ‘common sense’ of federal gun control laws

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Having organized large gun-rights rallies in the past, completely unaffiliated with the NRA, I have sometimes