Anchorage should consider advice of 50,000 health professionals before imposing a lockdown
On Dec. 1, many Anchorage businesses will either be forcibly closed or severely limited for the duration of 2020. This decision rests squarely with the city’s unelected Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson and the Anchorage Assembly. Before heading down this
Assemblywoman Allard urges Anchorage to keep fighting
Anchorage has been through a lot this year, but her people are strong and many who have never before gotten involved have stepped up to the plate to express their concerns and participate in the public process. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all of
Are Alaska’s Elections Clean?
In the wake of this critical moment in history, a stolen presidential election, a nakedly exposed, billionaire-funded socialist revolution, with paid thugs waiting to riot if they do not get their way, and the complicit mainstream media’s role in
Here’s how Alaska could actually appoint constitutionalist judges
William Satterberg, a longtime Fairbanks attorney and former assistant attorney general for Alaska, has laid out a compelling argument for how to transform the way Alaska selects its judges. Rather than letting the liberal leaning seven-member Alaska Judicial
‘Alaska is not broke.’ Let me say that again.
As a banker in Alaska for about 50 years prior to retirement, I have a time-consuming habit of reading lengthy financial statements, since the devil is always in the details. I was most pleased a dozen years ago when I discovered Alaska’s “Comprehensive
Trump is fighting a bloodless coup d’état … and it’s far from over
In this attempt of a stolen presidential election, Americans are facing something much worse than corruption, they are facing a coup d’état, a French term for an overthrow of the properly constituted governmental authority. [Pronounced as in
Gov. Dunleavy and the shootout at the O.K. Corral
As the story goes, when the wagon train master saw the enemy on the horizon, they circled the wagons, loaded their weapons, and fired inwards while the enemy stood outside and watched their self-destruction. On Dec. 3, 2018, Mike Dunleavy was sworn in as
Attorney: Assembly dishonors the law by refusing to let Anchorage elect a mayor
On Oct. 27, Anchorage Assembly members Crystal Kennedy, Jamie Allard, and Kameron Perez-Verdia introduced a Resolution (AR 2020-386), which called for a special election to replace resigned Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz. The resolution cited municipal
Proofs of a stolen election
So, let’s see. Have presidential elections been stolen before? The answer might surprise you: without a doubt. A friend of mine, being too generous, recently told me that stealing an election would involve such a tremendous amount of chicanery on a scale so
On impeaching Alaska judges
Alaska’s Constitution needs some major overhaul, and the citizens will have the opportunity in 2022 when they are asked: “Shall there be a constitutional convention?” The Alaskan Independence Party’s website has an embryonic and incomplete