OPINION: Alaska is in the midst of a great constitutional debate
Every 10 years the voters of Alaska have the chance to determine whether to open our state constitution up for changes. Our founders had the foresight to give us this option. “Defend Our Constitution,” the group using substantial amounts of dark
Breaking down how the State of Alaska spends its money
By Quinn Townsend – (Alaska Policy Forum) Alaska Policy Forum’s annual Budget Blocks are a simple, straightforward way to visualize how Alaska is spending its money and from which funds that money is coming. The size of each block corresponds to the
More taxes can’t solve Alaska’s unsustainable spending
By Quinn Townsend – (Alaska Policy Forum) In the spring of 2019, Alaska Policy Forum published a report with economists from The Buckeye Institute examining the need for state spending reductions and the economic effects of 2019 tax
Who are Alaska’s Good Guys & Bad Guys when it comes to a full PFD?
Let’s get it right this time in dealing with the Alaska Permanent Fund and its Dividend. First the calculation that worked for over 30 years was earnings based. In other words, how much did the Fund earn over the last five years, less the inflation
Research shows massive potential for North Slope heavy oil production
New research conducted by the Institute for Northern Engineering’s Petroleum Development Lab at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, demonstrates potential for commercial production of billions of barrels of heavy oil under existing fields on Alaska’s
Debate on Alaska Constitutional Convention centers on risk vs. reward
Roughly 100 people turned out for the Sept. 29 debate over whether Alaskans should vote on Nov. 8 to call for a state-level constitutional convention, a question which Alaskans are asked every 10 years in accord with the state’s constitution. Organized by
Alaska lawyers event to unpack state election changes & the ongoing role of dark money
Has Ballot Measure 2 allowed Alaskan voters to express their true preferences without fear of accidentally helping other candidates? Has it ended the secret influence of dark money? When will we learn how BM2 aligns with the Alaska Constitution and
Alaskans to get record high $3,284 PFD this month
Eligible Alaskans will begin receiving $3,284 this month. That includes a $650 energy relief check that state lawmakers approved earlier this year. The combined amount represents the largest payout in the Permanent Fund Dividend program’s 41-year history.
As Anchorage enrollment implodes, school superintendent warns of $68M deficit
The Anchorage School District is shrinking, both in the sheer number of students and the revenue attached to each child it fails to enroll. In FY24 the district expects to face an estimated $68 million budget deficit. This is partly due to the fact that
Distribution of Covid funds to Alaska businesses rife with irregularities, errors
A recently released audit of the $282 million in CARES Act funds that Alaska issued to small businesses as part of the massive Covid relief spending shows massive irregularities, errors and the awarding of numerous unallowable grants. The state’s