High cost of living makes an Alaska income tax doubly burdensome
By Jared Walczak (Tax Foundation) Alaska’s decision to forgo an individual income tax serves an important role in offsetting above-average federal income tax burdens in Alaska. At first blush, this sounds confusing. Alaskans face the same federal income tax
Alaska’s rising education expenses fueled by benefits and a growing administrative apparatus
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum The Reason Foundation recently published the 2022 K–12 education spending spotlight examining school finance trends from 2002 to 2020. The Alaska data points, calculated by the U.S. Census Bureau, show
Murkowski helps Dems pass spending bill that includes $11M for LGBTQ special interests
Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski was one of 18 Republican senators who voted with Democrats to approve a $1.7 trillion bill to fund the federal government for the next year. The legislation includes 7,200 earmarks costing over $15 billion, including $11 million for
ANALYSIS: Is Juneau running out of diesel?
(ErikN Publications) – On October 27, 2022, Tucker Carlson announced to the nation that we are running short of diesel, with a mere 25 days of diesel inventory remaining. He was following up on a question that was posed to John Kirby, President
Alaska’s 2022 commercial fishing harvest valued at $720 million, $77 million more than 2021
Alaska’s Department of Fish & Game has released its preliminary numbers on the 2022 commercial salmon fishery harvest. fishing harvest. Counting all salmon species, the value is estimated to be $720.4 million, which is significantly higher than 2021’s
OPINION: Alaska is in the midst of a great constitutional debate
Every 10 years the voters of Alaska have the chance to determine whether to open our state constitution up for changes. Our founders had the foresight to give us this option. “Defend Our Constitution,” the group using substantial amounts of dark
Breaking down how the State of Alaska spends its money
By Quinn Townsend – (Alaska Policy Forum) Alaska Policy Forum’s annual Budget Blocks are a simple, straightforward way to visualize how Alaska is spending its money and from which funds that money is coming. The size of each block corresponds to the
More taxes can’t solve Alaska’s unsustainable spending
By Quinn Townsend – (Alaska Policy Forum) In the spring of 2019, Alaska Policy Forum published a report with economists from The Buckeye Institute examining the need for state spending reductions and the economic effects of 2019 tax
Who are Alaska’s Good Guys & Bad Guys when it comes to a full PFD?
Let’s get it right this time in dealing with the Alaska Permanent Fund and its Dividend. First the calculation that worked for over 30 years was earnings based. In other words, how much did the Fund earn over the last five years, less the inflation
Research shows massive potential for North Slope heavy oil production
New research conducted by the Institute for Northern Engineering’s Petroleum Development Lab at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, demonstrates potential for commercial production of billions of barrels of heavy oil under existing fields on Alaska’s