
News and Stories that affect Alaskan faith and its free expression thereof.

Bible and flag pic

What every Alaska church should know about engaging politics

Many pastors across Alaska and around the country are uncertain when it comes to their legal rights to discuss politics and educate their members on critical political issues. As a result, a number of churches remain silent in the political sphere. Alliance
Church pic

Being socialist or atheist is political liability in 2020

A new study from Gallup reports that 90% of Americans would vote for a presidential candidate who happened to be black, Catholic, Hispanic, Jewish or a woman. The number drops to eight in 10 who would vote for candidates who are evangelical Christian, gay or
Upcoming events

Upcoming events to foster Alaska’s common good

This list of events is provided to give Alaskans some concrete ways to celebrate their faith, assist neighbors in need and work for Alaska’s common good. To add an event to this list, please send us an email at PRO-LIFE PREGNANCY
Hawaii church pic

Historic churches await Alaskans headed to Hawaii

With hundreds of flights out of Anchorage each week, thousands of Alaskans are shedding winter layers in January and February to don flowery shirts and pack into commercial airliners headed for Hawaii. These flights are depositing sun-starved Alaskans all