5.22 > Engaging our Seniors
The number of Alaskan seniors has grown by more than 5% each year for the past decade. That’s faster than any other state in the union. Right now, we have about 100,000 Alaskans age 65 or older. By 2034 – just 14 years from now – the state estimates
5.21 > Digital Proof of Vaccination
Governor Dunleavy has said “The State of Alaska does not and will not require any person to produce their personal vaccine history, also known as a vaccination passport, in order to travel to, or around, Alaska.” “This must be called out for
5.17 > Shooting up our Kids
Alaska’s government vaccine enthusiasts are pulling out all stops to pressure parents into letting them jab children with the experimental Pfizer COVID shot. On May 10, the FDA expanded emergency use authorization of the Pfizer shot for children ages 12 and
5.13 > Actual Supremacists
A study of history is a practice sorely lacking in todays society and culture. The only thing new under the sun in a hundred years of empty modern thinking is the idea that it is perfectly normal and acceptable, even noble, to mutilate your genitalia and that
5.6 > Common Criminality
What do Soapy Smith, Antonin Scalia, and an Alaska constitutional convention have in common? More than you think. First, a little history on Jefferson Randolph “Soapy” Smith. Jeff Smith was a colorful American con artist in the late 1800s. He went to
4.9 > Legal Troubles Ahead
We reported earlier this month that the Bering Straits Native Corporation has ordered its 2,000 plus employees to get the COVID shot by Aug. 1. Failure to comply and your livelihood could be on the line. The native corporation owns 22 businesses, one of the
4.5 > Banning Vaccine Passports
Rand Paul recently had a heated sparring match with Anthony Fauci where Paul cited study after study showing that there is zero, literally zero scientific evidence for transmission of COVID by people who have had the original strain of virus and now have
4.1 > Impeachable Offenses
In a three-branched republic like ours, what do you do with an out-of-control branch of government? One tool at your disposal is impeachment. So, what is impeachment? According to Oxford, “impeachment” is probably a corruption of the Latin
3.19 > Bill Evans Interview
We sat down for an interview with Anchorage Mayoral Candidate, Bill Evans to learn what makes him tick, why he is running, and some details about the direction he believes Anchorage needs to
3.17 > On Recalling Rivera
While Felix Rivera and his ideological allies at the radical-left Anchorage Press might want you to think that his recall efforts are due to homophobia, it is simply not the case. If all it takes to arrive at the conclusion that you are a victim is to find a