Hard questions we must ask as liberty slips away
Even while courts rule against President Biden’s vax mandates, our freedoms are, like the Paul Simon song by the same name, “Slip-sliding away.” This is because corporate America is both intimidated and controlled by leftist cretins sitting at the top

Ford Mustang, Coca Cola & McDonald’s: Soviets were desperate for a taste of America!
In the late 1960s through 1970s, one of the unique attractions in the Ukraine capitol of Kiev was a green and shiny 1968 Ford Mustang Fastback. Then, it was the only Ford in a city with a population of nearly 2 million residents. Occasionally, people would

AK gubernatorial candidate blasts Homer Nutcracker organizers for segregating the unvaxxed
The 33rd annual Homer Nutcracker Ballet spread some holiday division last week when non-vaxxed theater goers were cordoned off from the vaxxed upon entering the Homer High School theater, Dec. 3-5. Alaska gubernatorial candidate Rep. Christopher Kurka caught

Report: Alaska is worst state at fighting child sex trafficking
When it comes to combating child sex trafficking, Alaska is worst in the nation. This was the finding of a newly released report from Shared Hope International, a national non-profit leader in working to eradicate minor sex trafficking. Last month, the group

Alaska LGBTQ activists organizing to punish conservative business owners
A hard-left and well-organized LGBTQ activist group is preparing a legislative attack on conservative minded Alaska business owners who may oppose their radical sexual ideologies. In recent years, Identity, Inc. gained notoriety for organizing Drag Queen

Dr. Zink wastes no opportunity to push rigid, pro-jab rhetoric on Alaskans
All we really know about the Omicron variant coming out of South Africa is that it may be more contagious, but far less likely to lead to serious illness, hospitalization or death. There’re also considerable discussion that current “vaccines” may be

Anchorage Assembly says it can reimpose mask mandates if it so chooses
The far-left majority of the Anchorage Assembly finally agreed to lift its controversial citywide mask mandate on Dec. 7, but warned that it remains open to additional mandates in the future. Following two weeks of public outcry against a proposed mask

Judge blocks Biden’s vax mandate for federal contractors, including those in Alaska
Once again, a nationwide vaccine mandate by President Joe Biden has been blocked in federal court. On Dec. 7 U.S. District Judge R. Stan Baker issued a temporary stay on Biden’s attempt to force COVID shots on all employees of federal contractors and

New group empowers Alaskans to exercise parental rights in public schools
November 15th was a big night for the Alaska chapter of Parent’s Rights in Education’s (PRIE). Gathered at the at Loussac Library, community members’ politicians, and parents joined PRIE’s First Annual Celebration to discuss a long overdue topic

If U.S. Supremes overturn Roe, prolife Alaskans still have a long way to go
Earlier this month, I was in Washington D.C. to pray for, rally and celebrate with thousands of other pro-lifers across America. We came because the U.S. Supreme Court took up a case from Mississippi (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health) challenging the