Search Results for: He state.

2.20 > Career & Tech Admissions

At the repeated request of parents we looked into a story involving the Matsu Borough School District and the recent, sudden change, in the manner of admissions into MatSu Career and Tech high school. When the school was originally founded, under the guidance

2.18 > Training Tattle-Tales

Alaska School Activities Association (or ASAA) is the governing body that oversees high school sports across the state. We recently published a story detailing a new “hate speech” proposal which it will consider at its Feb. 22 and 23rd meeting. The basic

50 private religious schools to consider in Alaska

Each year the Private School Review researches and lists quality private religious schools across the nation. This year, the group included 50 Alaska schools on its list, which is 75% of all religiously affiliated schools in the state. These institutions

Who could be against school choice in Alaska?

Alaskans love choice and have lots to celebrate with the many publicly funded schooling options available for our children. We can choose standard public school or various specialized schools. We can accept state funding to join a homeschool charter program
COVID vaccine pic

Alaska seeks public comment on COVID vaccine roll out

On Dec. 28, the Alaska Vaccine Allocation Advisory Committee will take public comment on how to rollout the next phase of COVID vaccinations. The public has opportunity to share comments about this next phase, which includes vaccinating those ages 75 years