FACT CHECK: Misleading statements claim Alaskans are getting ‘fully approved’ vaccine
Despite media reports to the contrary, Alaskans who’ve been waiting for the FDA’s “fully approved” Pfizer COVID shot – now renamed “Comirnaty” – will likely find it impossible to get at any location currently providing COVID shots. This

Bethel refuses to hire city employees who are among the unvaxed
The City of Bethel – a village of 6,200 residents – has implemented a policy that bans hiring any new employees who have declined to take the COVID shots. Effective Aug. 10, the city stated that “all applicants for hire must be vaccinated against

Outgoing ACLU-Alaska head boasts about advancing abortion, LGBTQ agenda and overriding election laws
Joshua Decker is stepping down as ACLU of Alaska’s executive director. After leading the increasingly radicalized civil rights group for a decade, he is moving on to pursue a PH.D. in political science with the aim of creating a “more perfect union.” In

Drag queen story hour was an assault on our Alaska Native heritage (Open letter to AK Native Heritage Center)
Cama’i – I am writing in regard to the recent Drag Queen Story Hour held at the Alaska Native Heritage Center (ANHC) on June 26. ANHC’s description of this inaugural event states: “Since time-immemorial our Indigenous cultures holistically valued

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium orders 3,000 employees to get COVID jab
In what is now a growing trend among leading Alaska Native corporations and health entities, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) has imposed a COVID vaccine mandate on all of its 3,000-plus employees. The mandate is the latest in a string of

These Alaskan teachers pledged to violate any laws that ban Critical Race Theory in schools
More than 20 states are now working on legislation to ban the teaching of critical race theory to public school students. While such measures have yet to be introduced in Alaska, at least 13 Alaska teachers have already joined more than 4,400 nationwide in

Controversial scheme to incentivize COVID injections divides Palmer City Council
A sharply divided Palmer City Council voted June 8 to approve using a $30,000 state grant to incentivize people into getting COVID shots. After lengthy debate, the council voted 4-3 to give a passthrough grant from the Alaska Dept. of Health & Social

6.10 > Critical Race Theory
Critical Race Theory is a repackaged Marxist ideology that has infiltrated public schools, libraries, businesses, governmental structures and cultural institutions all across the nation, including here in Alaska. We now see it in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau

Enough already with the endless Alaska COVID updates
For more than a year now, the State of Alaska has delivered residents a steady diet of daily and weekly COVID-19 updates regarding case counts, hospitalizations, transmission rates, vaccine rates and much more – all broken down by age, region, sex and

It’s time to set the record straight on the Alaskan Independence Party
The existence of the Alaskan Independence Party has been misunderstood by most, both here in the state and certainly by the mainstream media Outside. The full blast of lies and half-truths came into play when Sarah Palin became the vice-presidential candidate