Search Results for: Job System

Alaska Voters

Is Alaska’s election integrity worth 2 hours of your time?

Sometimes the battle for election integrity is very general, like supporting voter ID requirements before you cast a ballot. And sometimes it is very specific. This Saturday, it is very specific. The single greatest thing you can do for election integrity

With rising Russia tensions, we must draw from the past

Who was responsible for post-war tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.? Were they primarily a result of the Soviets’ mistrust of a perceived intent on the part of the Allies to establish a “New World Order” and act as policeman of the world? The

Wealth and power are not synonyms for ‘greed’

Recently, I had a discussion with a young American in her late 20s about current events in our country. Let’s call her Rebecca in order to protect her anonymity. It did not take long for me to recognize Rebeca’s leftism — Christopher Columbus exploited