OPINION: Why Israel and the U.S. have such a close friendship, despite our differences
There are several reasons why the United States has been so closely identified with

SEN. HUGHES: Despite union claims, growing Alaska school choice options helps all students
This week I expect much of my focus to be on policy and funding discussions to help our students and teachers achieve better outcomes as we move forward. Governor Dunleavy held a lengthy press conference on the topic late last week, and I agree that it is our

Despite tanking enrollment, Fairbanks wants to raise taxes by $10M to benefit public schools
Sponsored by Borough Mayor Bryce Ward and Assembly members Savannah Fletcher and Brett Rotermund, the ordinance aims to ask borough residents if they would approve an increase to the tax cap so that the borough could tax residents an additional $10 million

Alaska’s dramatic syphilis spike disproportionately plagues gay, bisexual men
Alaska’s dramatic rise in syphilis disproportionately plagues gay and bisexual

Tshibaka v. Murkowski: What’s next in Alaska’s razor close U.S. Senate race?
With the latest tabulation showing Kelly Tshibaka holding a slim lead over U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (43.34% to 43.11%) the contest for Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat is most certainly headed to a ranked choice showdown next week. Currently, Tshibaka holds a

Anti-American, pro-abortion rally spills into streets of downtown Palmer
A group of about 50 pro-abortion activists gathered in downtown Palmer to scream anti-American and anti-Supreme Court slogans for a couple of hours on July 2. Protesters, including transgender and LGBTQ activists, voiced outrage at the U.S. Supreme Court’s

Closed-minded Alaska docs wage character attacks on colleagues
Many Alaskans are reeling as they witness the vicious character attacks by a large cohort of physicians against their own peers. In November 2021 Alaska Covid Alliance hosted a well-attended early Covid-19 treatment conference, which was widely panned as

Mat-Su hospital enforces federal Covid jab mandate despite pending lawsuit
Doctors, staff, volunteers and others at Mat-Su Regional Medical Center are now required to submit to a Covid shot and be deemed “fully vaccinated” by Jan. 4, 2022. A recent letter issued by hospital CEO Dave Wallace claims the move is necessary in order

Another man dies at Providence after hospital refuses repeated requests for Ivermectin
On Oct. 13, Neil Kitamura, age 78, died a few hours after fellow Anchorage resident William Topel passed away. Both were patients at Providence Alaska Medical Center. Each man asked to receive Ivermectin to treat COVID illnesses, and both were denied.

Anchorage mayor blasts media for blocking full truth on COVID mandates, hospital shortages
Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson is not the type to go silently into the night. In the mayoral election, he was by far the most conservative candidate – so much so that even some fellow conservatives feared he may not be able to attract enough votes to win in