OPINION: Alaska Supreme Court blocks grand juries from investigating corrupt officials
Alaska Supreme Court Order (SCO) #1993 (effective Dec. 1, 2022) just rewrote Criminal Rule 6 and 6.1 to unconstitutionally suspend the right of Grand Juries to investigate and indict corrupt public officials. This was done immediately after the Kenai Grand

We must clarify that the people own Alaska
Every 10 years, in accordance with the State Constitution, Alaska voters must be asked an important question. Article 13, Section 3: Call by Referendum If during any ten-year period a constitutional convention has not been held, the lieutenant governor shall

Nixing Alaska’s campaign contribution limits is a free speech victory
The First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to

Conservative leaders urge Alaskans to contact DC delegation ahead of Jan. 6 election certification
Editor’s note: The following letter, issued by three influential and long-time conservative Alaskan leaders, urges Alaskans to contact Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski and Rep. Don Young before Congress certifies the election on Jan. 6. The authors

Retired Lieutenant General to Alaska: Biden is coming for our guns
With every passing day it appears more likely Joe Biden will become our next president. From the illegal vote counting, vote harvesting, forged ballots and political court rulings against President Trump, it seems democracy has been hijacked by the Left. This

Are Alaska’s Elections Clean?
In the wake of this critical moment in history, a stolen presidential election, a nakedly exposed, billionaire-funded socialist revolution, with paid thugs waiting to riot if they do not get their way, and the complicit mainstream media’s role in

Alaska’s judge selection is ‘shrouded in secrecy’
The upcoming November elections are among the most consequential in American history. The outcome may well determine whether the American experiment continues or dies. In Alaska, there are state elections that are also of the highest importance for democracy

OPINION: Alaska Family Council fails to protect all unborn life
Editor’s note: In an effort to help clarify the ongoing disagreement about the direction of the pro-life movement in Alaska, we asked Pat Martin, of Alaska Right to Life, and Jim Minnery, of Alaska Family Action to explain why their organizations are at

OPINION: Homeschool allotment battle is Gov. Dunleavy opportunity to restore the rule of law
All Dunleavy needs to proclaim is the following: “Empowered by the state constitution with the enforcement powers granted to me, I will continue to permit the reimbursement of correspondence courses for students in this state, and recommend that impeachment

OPINION: Lawsuit against Rep. Eastman is judicial lawlessness
It is the height of hypocrisy to believe that Alaska’s judiciary is “above the fray” of politics as a sort of wise and unbiased referee – a protector of the rule of law – to assist us citizen-peons in understanding the state and federal