Search Results for: blic

Shelton pic

Public testimony largely in favor of Palmer police chief

The Palmer City Council’s June 9 meeting included more than two hours of public testimony, mostly in support of Police Chief Dwayne Shelton who was placed on administrative leave with pay last month following the discovery of certain social media comments
Abortion stats image e1552349604269

Abortion amendment set for 5th public hearing

A proposed constitutional amendment stating that nothing in Alaska’s Constitution can be interpreted by the courts as granting a right to abortion is set for a fifth public hearing on Friday, March 13 in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The measure, SJR 13,
Republican champ pic

Is the Republican Party a pro-life champion?

In 1980 Ronald Reagan got my vote and that of many Alaskans because he was pro-life. His sweeping victory had Democrats, feminists and abortionists figuring it was all over for them. Reagan Democrats were essentially pro-life anti-communists. Both enemies and