Search Results for: endo z

COVID vaccine pic

Fundamental liberties in the face of mandatory vaccinations

You may have seen a recent interview with Alan Dershowitz – a Harvard Law School emeritus professor – stating that government has the right to forcibly vaccinate citizens in order to stop the spread of a disease and protect public safety. This, he claims,
Alaska state fair pic

Alaska State Fair won’t open for first time since WWII

For the first time since 1942 – amid World War II – the Alaska State Fair will not open this year. The fair’s board of directors announced the decision on May 22, citing “continuing uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.” On April 28
voter fraud

Alaska right to reject vulnerable mail-in-only voting

Lieutenant Gov. Kevin Meyer is right to reject pressure to enact a mail-in-only voting system for Alaska during COVID-19. Despite assurances that widespread mail-in voting is secure, the data simply does not bear this out. A new detailed report on mail-in
Homeschool mom pic

Anti-homeschool summit features influential Alaskan

Parental rights advocates are concerned about an upcoming Harvard summit in June that includes nationally known figures who want homeschooling banned and/or heavily regulated by the state. One of the speakers is Dr. Barbara Knox, the new medical director of
Al Gross pic

Big abortion backs Al Gross in race against Sen. Sullivan

Planned Parenthood has endorsed pro-abortion candidate Al Gross in his campaign against Alaska U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan. While running as an Independent, Gross is backed by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and has received support from the