Search Results for: endo z

Church and flag

On the duty to ‘legislate morality’ in Alaska

On October 1, voters in Fairbanks and North Pole spoke fairly clearly about the direction they think their communities should be headed regarding civil government and school leadership. Former Fairbanks North Star Borough Assemblyman Lance Roberts called the
Transgender talk

Transgender talk sparks lively exchange in Anchorage restaurant

About 250 people packed into Gallos Mexican Restaurant in South Anchorage last week to listen to a presentation by a leading national bioethicist who concluded that transgenderism is fundamentally a psychological disorder. Father Tad Pacholczyk’s Sept. 26
Planned Parenthood Endorsements

Leading abortion group backs Alaska candidates

Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider in Alaska and across the nation, has announced its list of political endorsements for Alaskans vying for office this fall. The group performs the vast majority of abortions in Alaska, accounting for more than