Search Results for: me too of the 90

Seward library joins move to push transgender literature

The Seward Public Library has joined what has become a nationwide effort among community libraries to promote books normalizing transgenderism and LGBTQ identities in children. The Friends of the Seward Library is a nonprofit that partners with the library to

As China grows ever more powerful, Alaska must act shrewdly

In the 1930’s the United States watched as Adolf Hitler built a powerful military force in open defiance to the Treaty of Versailles, which had limited the size and type of the German military in the wake of World War I. Hitler started the great cleansing.

ANALYSIS: Is the Pfizer COVID vaccine morally licit?

Is it ever morally permissible to use a vaccine tested or originated with fetal cells obtained from an abortion? The Pfizer vaccine, now available in Alaska, used such cells for testing. Natural Law recognizes three components of any moral action: The

Denied options at statehood continue to haunt Alaska

Editor’s note: This is the final part of a three part series on the history of secession in the United States. Part one is here and part two is here. In 1980 a referendum was placed before Alaskan voters: “Shall the Alaska Statehood Commission be