Search Results for: me too of the 90

Dunleavy pic

Recall Dunleavy activists can begin collecting signatures

A coalition of left leaning groups have the green light to continue their campaign to remove duly elected Gov. Mike Dunleavy from office. On Feb. 14, the Alaska Supreme Court ruled that the Recall Dunleavy campaign could begin its attempt to gather more than
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Efforts to legalize abortion built on these well-crafted lies

How extreme is Roe v. Wade? To understand we must unmask the seldom-studied companion case, Doe v. Bolton, and also examine the false narrative that abortion activists crafted to gain sympathy for their movement. When “Jane Roe,” whose real name was Norma
God and Guns pic

On mixing guns and God

The phrase, “Don’t mix politics with religion” is a shopworn fantasy. It’s usually trotted out when the left finds it suitable to their needs, yet they turn around and use religion as a convenient tool when targeting the right. It is hunting season
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Abortion in Alaska: 45 percent publicly funded

Each year, the state of Alaska quietly releases an obscure report detailing the number of unborn babies who were aborted the previous year. Buried in the Department of Health & Social Services website the “Induced Termination of Pregnancy,” report