Search Results for: mn GOP

OPINION: The 7 Politically Deadly Sins of Lisa Murkowski

I know many people who desperately want to support Lisa Murkowski. Over 20 years, Lisa she has made personal connections to many people I know. They have worked with her, fought beside her, and many have spoken to her or know her personally.  The folks

Why I left the Republican Party

No political party is perfect. It is a matter of reading the platforms, understanding the issues, learning the ropes and then – literally – picking your poison. All parties have subtle differences within them, but they are also united by common core
Republican champ pic

Is the Republican Party a pro-life champion?

In 1980 Ronald Reagan got my vote and that of many Alaskans because he was pro-life. His sweeping victory had Democrats, feminists and abortionists figuring it was all over for them. Reagan Democrats were essentially pro-life anti-communists. Both enemies and