Sen. Hughes: Alaska’s Constitutional Convention Question is truly David vs. Goliath
Alaskans, I respectfully implore you to recognize that the flood of paid advertisements you’ve been hearing about a state constitutional convention may not be the whole story – and dare I say it is “spinning” the story to protect the power and wealth

Lt. Gov. candidate Edie Grunwald quits Charlie Pierce ticket, now backs Dunleavy
Edie Grunwald, who is listed as the lieutenant governor candidate on the Charlie Pierce for governor ticket, has dropped out of the race. The former borough mayor of Kenai, Pierce is facing a lawsuit from a former borough employee that accuses him of sexual

We must admit abortion’s cause and effect to provide hope and healing.
I receive a Google alert each day for news events dealing with the issue of trauma. There are many on the list each day! Trauma centered care is big industry and has grown immensely over the past two decades. None of the alerts, however, talk about

Anchorage educators defend reading book about cross-sex drugs, trans-surgery to 4th graders
Editor’s note: The following article details the ongoing two-year bureaucratic saga that an Anchorage family has faced in unsuccessfully imploring the Anchorage School District to stop reading a book about transgenderism to elementary age students. It’s

OPINION: Priest says Catholics & pro-life Alaskans have a ‘duty’ to back Tshibaka for U.S. Senate
Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski – who all too often votes on the side of the abortion industry – appears to be in a neck-and-neck race with challenger Kelly Tshibaka, a pro-life Republican, in the primary race conducted Tuesday using the

Covid Conversations: What Alaska parents aren’t told about the jab
Alaska Covid Alliance wanted to reach out to you concerning Covid vaccines and children, as it’s that time of year when parents are preparing kids to head back to school. It’s also a time when the State of Alaska is rolling out a massive campaign to

Sen. Shower: Why Alaskans should want a Citizen Legislature
I’m often asked how difficult it is working multiple jobs as a citizen legislator. No surprise, it’s challenging. Regardless of what some believe, for many legislators, serving as an elected official comes at significant personal cost. Lost

16-year staffer & senior volunteer defend besieged Anchorage library head
For years, the Anchorage library system was run by radical hard-leftist administrators who utilized the public library to promote drag queen story hour for children, critical race theory book clubs, LGBTQ Pride Month celebrations and highly sexualized books

Rep. McCabe’s rebuttal to Alaska legislators who voted against concurrence on state budget
The budget process in the Alaska Legislature is a wild time. The House Finance Committee develops a budget based on finance subcommittee input as well as input from the governor’s budget and the various departments. The budget then goes to the House

AK Democratic Convention fixates on abortion, masks, ConCon & beating Murkowski
Alaska Democrats held their statewide party convention earlier this month with a heavy emphasis on deriding pro-life advocates, defeating Sen. Lisa Murkowski, denouncing anti-maskers and opposing a constitutional convention. A recap of the May 6-8 convention