OPINION: Alaska’s aging patients need more choices, not less
GUEST COLUMN: By Jaimie Cavanaugh and Daryl James (Institute for Justice) Alaska hospitals have a problem: The population is aging, and older patients need more care than they can afford. The strain will increase when Alaska Regional Senior Health Clinic

OPINION: Alaska’s Senate Majority is drooling over ways to spend your PFD
There is no amount of money that will ever satiate government bureaucracy. In fact, the larger it grows the more it demands. This is playing out in Alaska’s Senate as you read. The Senate Majority caucus – comprised of nine Democrats and eight Republicans

OPINION: Ways Alaska can address its ongoing workforce crisis
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum People of all ages are unprepared for the evolving job market, but Alaska can adopt policies to help learners prepare for good careers and meet the needs of the state’s economy. Alaska businesses are

OPINION: The sweet lies of organized Crime in D.C. & Juneau
Lies are believed because they taste good. The truth is detested because it is sour. We now can safely assume that the default position of citizens should be that most of what comes out of both the federal and Alaska government are sweet-tasting lies. We

OPINION: Another Prolife “Victory”?
Who is Mark Houck? He’s a person who was doing what I was doing here in Alaska when I was his age: spending time, a lot of time, in front of abortion clinics. There are several ways to save an unborn child’s life: block the doors, thus preventing entry;

OPINION: Cherishing preborn life in the Great Land requires renewed effort
I am grateful for Governor Dunleavy’s recent State of the State speech that placed such a high priority on the value of life. The very first words of the Alaska Constitution state that the document “is dedicated to the principles that all

OPINION: No! Alaska doesn’t need a constitutional amendment to protect the unborn
Senate Joint Resolution 2, introduced this week by Alaska Sen. Shelley Hughes, would ask voters to make it clear that they don’t want the state paying for abortions: “To protect human life, nothing in this constitution may be construed to secure or

OPINION: Alaska Supreme Court blocks grand juries from investigating corrupt officials
Alaska Supreme Court Order (SCO) #1993 (effective Dec. 1, 2022) just rewrote Criminal Rule 6 and 6.1 to unconstitutionally suspend the right of Grand Juries to investigate and indict corrupt public officials. This was done immediately after the Kenai Grand

New Mat-Su legislator claims most Republicans are fine with gay ‘marriage’
Jesse Sumner, who recently won election as a Republican state representative for the Mat-Su, claims that he and the majority of Alaska Republicans are no longer interested in defending the state’s constitutional definition of marriage as “the union of one

OPINION: Lawsuit against Rep. Eastman is judicial lawlessness
It is the height of hypocrisy to believe that Alaska’s judiciary is “above the fray” of politics as a sort of wise and unbiased referee – a protector of the rule of law – to assist us citizen-peons in understanding the state and federal