OPINION: Rep. McCabe says deceptive ‘tactics’ undermine fellow conservatives
Transparency in government is one of the most important values a legislator can have. And educating constituents and Alaskans on “how the sausage is made” would seem to be very important to that transparency. During the initial budget debates on HB281,

OPINION: It’s historically ignorant to say America is anti-Semitic
Recently, one of the active members of the Juneau Jewish Community, let’s call her Rebeca to protect her anonymity, wrote a private e-mail to me, as follows: “Alexander, I enjoy reading your My Turn columns. Your last column, however, ended with a

OPINION: A dose of reality regarding Ted Stevens Day
In 2011, the Alaska legislature designated the 4th Saturday in July as “Ted Stevens Day” as a “tribute to his many contributions to our state.” Gov. Dunleavy just recently encouraged us to observe this day on Uncle Ted’s behalf. Pardon me, but

OPINION: Cargo Cults & Lisa Murkowski
During the Pacific battles of World War II, many island nations, including Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea experienced radical, life altering changes as the largest war ever fought by technologically advanced superpowers took place literally in

OPINION: The 7 Politically Deadly Sins of Lisa Murkowski
I know many people who desperately want to support Lisa Murkowski. Over 20 years, Lisa she has made personal connections to many people I know. They have worked with her, fought beside her, and many have spoken to her or know her personally. The folks

OPINION: Violation of Grand Jury rights poses constitutional crisis for Alaska
Article 1, Section 8 of the Alaska Constitution states: “The power of grand juries to investigate and make recommendations concerning the public welfare or safety shall never be suspended.” Most Alaskans would never believe that our judicial

OPINION: Respecting the Constitution means taking the good with the bad
“The Supreme Court has shown it no longer has the confidence of the people! The court has proven to be extremist! It has gone too far! It has stolen our sacred rights!” “The courts have spoken! This is now the law of the land! Anyone defying the courts

OPINION: House bill could be weaponized against mentally healthy Alaskans
The Alaska State House just voted to pass HB 172, a bill that could act as a catalyst for future civil unrest in Alaska. It’s now in its final stages in the Alaska Senate as SB 124 (Mental Health Facilities & Meds). These bills include amendments that

9 Alaska Republicans back House leader’s move to stop pro-life speech
Alaska’s Speaker of the House Louise Stutes exhibited what appeared to be a blatant double standard when letting lawmakers speak on the issue of abortion this week. During the May 3 House Floor session, the left-leaning Republican Stutes let Rep. Ivy

OPINION: Alaska GOP wages war on free speech within the party
Last weekend the Alaska Republican Party met in Fairbanks for their bi-annual convention to discuss the party platform, consider endorsements and pass resolutions. One of the resolutions put forward by Big Lake Representative Kevin McCabe roundly