OPINION: Marginalized conservatives must use the ‘atom bomb of Alaska politics’
Should the majority Democrat caucus refuse to go along, Alaska's conservative Republicans should hold the budget hostage. With no budget passed, a special legislative session would be required, and the state government could be shut down. It would be glorious

Alaska Natives infuriated with Biden admin for ignoring concerns in favor of climate agenda
The Biden Administration’s treatment of North Slope Alaska Natives has sparked outrage among Iñupiat leaders, who say their livelihoods have been disregarded in favor of scoring political

OPINION: Butker’s rousing speech represents the death knell for diabolical feminism
Butker dared to tell young women that their fate need not be forever tethered to the diabolical demands that they sacrifice their health, their fertility, their children, and their relationships in order to be happy. He dared to tell young women that their

OPINION: ‘Monkey Trial’ launched the media’s war of science vs. religion
Ninety-eight years ago, the war between science and religion began in American culture in the small Tennessee town of Dayton, labeled “The Bible Belt” by scoffing secular media outlets, whose fictionalized pre-event script of the event was already being

Alaska lost a Giant with the passing of broadcaster/Coach Dan Gensel
This column is not a “local” column for only the Kenai Peninsula, because Dan Gensel was known statewide, especially for anyone who loved their high school sports. Our station KSRM and its five affiliates carried anywhere from 250-300 sporting contests a

OPINION: Life, death and hockey huddles that transcend the game
In our times of self-indulgence and violence, rays of hope and sunshine can emerge from the most unexpected places. As a sports broadcaster for high school and junior-level hockey for over 20 years, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. Forty years ago,

Pro-constitutional convention Alaskans hosting kick-off rallies to protect PFD
Alaskans in support of holding a statewide constitutional convention to establish a constitutionally protected Permanent Fund Dividend are holding a series of kick-off rallies on Sept. 20th. Alaska’s Constitution mandates that every 10 years voters be asked

Power to the People: Sen. Shower urges Alaskans to call a Constitutional Convention
In a July 25 talk to Mat-Su residents, State Sen. Mike Shower (R-Wasilla) said he has reconsidered his position when it comes to whether Alaskans should call a statewide constitutional convention to protect the Permanent Fund Dividend, reform elections and

Supreme Court affirms high school coach’s right to pray on field
In a 6-3 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that high school football coach Joseph Kennedy has a constitutional right to privately pray on the football field without being fired by the school district. Kennedy’s employment at Bremerton School District

Alaska welcomes return of victorious Special Olympic athletes
An enthusiastic crowd gathered at Ted Stevens International Airport in Anchorage on June 12 to welcome the team of athletes, coaches and support staff who returned from a week in Orlando, Florida, where they earned 43 medals in the Special Olympics USA Games.