WEIGH IN: CDC set to approve Covid jabs as a ‘routine’ childhood shot
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will hold a committee meeting this week when it is expected to vote in favor of giving permanent legal protection to the experimental Covid jabs developed by Pfizer and Moderna. The CDC is set to add the

Dr. Zink wants massive surveillance, admits officials made Covid policy ‘without the data’
Dr. Anne Zink is a formidable and controversial player when it comes to directing public healthcare policy both in Alaska and across the nation. As Alaska’s chief medical officer, she has enthusiastically and relentlessly pushed pro-Covid jab messaging.

Alaska releases data on excess hospitalizations & emergency visits since Covid
Alaska has just released data on excess hospitalizations and emergency department visits since Covid hit the state. The new report shows an overall decrease post-Covid, but an increase in visits associated with chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, aneurysms,

THE FACTS: Alaska Covid Alliance unpacks medical and policy failures since 2020
Editor’s note: The following column was written on behalf of Alaska Covid Alliance. It’s hard to believe how long we have been under this siege. Two and a half years with no end in sight. Have we “flattened the curve” yet? Reflecting on this

Alaska health officials say parents hinder their ability to get LGBTQ sex info on teens
A few weeks after agreeing not to ask Alaska teens controversial questions about their gender identity and sexual orientation, some of Alaska’s leading health officials and state partners are now brainstorming ways to uncover this information without

Alaska’s chief medical officer, Dr. Zink, now heads powerful leftist health group
Alaska’s chief medical officer, Dr. Anne Zink, who came into prominence after being appointed by Gov. Mike Dunleavy to advise him on how to create and implement medical policy across Alaska, has now vastly expand her influence by taking over as president of

Input needed: Should Alaska ask teens detailed questions about sexual practices?
The State of Alaska is seeking input into which questions should be asked during the biennial Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), which typically gathers information about the sexual practices, drug use home life and general health and wellbeing of high

CDC recommends Alaska ask teens about oral and anal sex practices, gender ID
A year after cancelling its biennial survey in which the State of Alaska gathers detailed information about the sexual practices, drug use, home life and general health of high school teens, the Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is back. This year the

Covid Conversations: What Alaska parents aren’t told about the jab
Alaska Covid Alliance wanted to reach out to you concerning Covid vaccines and children, as it’s that time of year when parents are preparing kids to head back to school. It’s also a time when the State of Alaska is rolling out a massive campaign to

State of Alaska uses firefighter popularity to coax kids into vax clinic
Alaska’s Department of Health is using the heroic reputation of firefighters to entice young children into getting Covid jabs and other vaccinations. A July 15 article released by the Dept. of Health’s media blog notes that necessity is the “mother of