

Schools took the role of parents because we let them

Much has been said about Alaskan student test scores lately. We now hold the honor of being dead last in literacy rates. That’s right, Alaska holds the red lantern of literacy as measured in the 4th and 8th grade. It’s time to have an honest
Homeschool mom pic

Anti-homeschool summit features influential Alaskan

Parental rights advocates are concerned about an upcoming Harvard summit in June that includes nationally known figures who want homeschooling banned and/or heavily regulated by the state. One of the speakers is Dr. Barbara Knox, the new medical director of
Graduate pic

Alaska allows graduation ceremonies with strict limits

Alaska’s high school graduates will be allowed to participate in small, heavily sanitized in-person graduation ceremonies under new COVID-19 health guidelines released from the state. An April 23 notice from the state’s Education Commissioner Michael