Although I’m a believer in the secret ballot, I will make an exception and share how I am voting.
For the First and Second Amendments. For individual rights and responsibilities. For states’ rights, the Electoral College, and our republic. For the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, and our National Anthem. For security, law and order, and our military. For Amy Coney Barrett and the next Supreme Court justice.
For the right to express my beliefs, and for others to express theirs. For parents to raise, nurture and discipline their own children. For an unborn baby’s right to live. For traditional marriage and support for families. For the rights of Little Sisters of the Poor, Hobby Lobby, Barronell Stutzman, and health care providers to follow their consciences. For judges who respect timeless truth, the Constitution, and the authority of the legislative branch and the people to make law.
For fiscal integrity and strong leadership in domestic policies and foreign affairs. For secure borders and legal immigration. For wise stewardship of our natural resources, jobs and economic opportunities, and protection of our environment. For affordable health care I get to choose. For educational choices for students and their parents. For racial and economic reconciliation. For compassion and generosity for those in need. For wisdom and tenacity in battling the coronavirus.
I am voting for candidates based on their advancement of these ideals, not their appearance or personality quirks. I am opposing people and ballot measures that do not do this.
While I have only one vote, it is important to me and I will cast it. I believe it makes a difference for my children and grandchildren. It’s about our Constitution and the immutable, inalienable God-given rights it protects. It‘s about values, truth, freedom, responsibility, hope, opportunity and greatness. For one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all!
I’m voting my values and hope you do too!
The writer served as lieutenant governor of Alaska, from 2002 to 2006. Before that, he served in both houses of the State Legislature, and was elected as the Senate Majority Leader by the end of his term. He served in office in electoral politics from 1989 to 2006.