The Juneau Pro-Choice Coalition (JPCC) has issued its list of the most radical pro-abortion candidates running for assembly, mayor and school board.
In an effort to expand extreme pro-abortion policies, the JPCC publishes a voter guide prior to all municipal and state elections. In order to win the pro-choice endorsement candidates must affirm their support for elective abortions (even for minors), public funding of abortion and mandates requiring hospitals to perform abortions if they receive any public funds.
Candidates must also vow to oppose any measures that might “hinder, delay or impede access” to abortion. Additionally, fully endorsed candidates agree to support expanding abortion efforts by providing information to children in local schools, including explicit sex education.
One question asks point blank: “As an elected official will you publicly support Planned Parenthood,” which is the largest provider of abortions in Alaska.
The Juneau Pro-Choice Coalition also opposes laws that require parental consent or notification before a minor has an abortion, as well as efforts that would allow a hospital to deny abortion on moral grounds. This includes bans on partial birth abortions.
Since the Juneau Assembly oversees appointments to the Bartlett Regional Hospital’s Board, the pro-abortion advocacy group wants to ensure that all candidates will back pro-abortion board members.
With regards to school board members, the group’s website observes that these officials oversee the Teen Health Center, a controversial program that offers birth control and abortion referrals to teens in Juneau high schools. The Juneau Pro-Choice Coalition aims to ensure that all school board members are “committed to maintaining and broadening” the Teen Health Center’s impact.
- Beth Weldon received a full “pro-choice” endorsement.
- All three candidates for Assembly District 1 received a full pro-abortion endorsement. This includes Barbara Blake, Paul Kelly and Troy Wuyts-Smith.
- Michelle Bonnet Hale received a full endorsement.
- Kelly Fishler did not respond to the survey but has stated elsewhere that she is firmly pro-life.
- Ibn Bailey received a full “pro-choice” endorsement.
- Thom Buzard did not respond to the survey.
- Amber Frommherz received a full “pro-choice” endorsement.
- Wiljordon Sangster did not respond to the survey.
- Elizabeth Siddon received a full “pro-choice” endorsement.
- Aaron Spratt did not respond to the survey and has publicly stated that he is firmly pro-life.
They are trying to turn Juneau into Seattle.
Nothing new under the sun in Juneau! They pulled the same crap when I ran for State House and school board there 1986-1991
My last name then was Ward! I lived in Juneau 37 years before moving in 2006 and never looking back except to my dear life long friends who still call it home!
We never see the same leaders aborting their pregnancies. Its always we see the public aborting their pregnancies, never the same prochoice leaders child-less unless their homosexual.
You know that Zalatel as a black daughter. What would Zaletel done if her daughter’s black birth mother aborted her daughter? Zalatel is lucky her daughter’s black mother is prolife! I am just making a point agianst prochoice peoples play God deciding who dies and who lives by predjudice.
These NWO politicians need to have sacrifices to Moloch or they lose power.
The most disempowering thing a person can do is kill their own children. You aren’t an individual floating around in space. You are one person in a line of people that goes back to the beginning and reaches forward way into the future. Your children aren’t just little globs of meaningless jelly that you pop out and then are forced to deal with until they turn 18. These little people represent thousands of years of your ancestors’ struggle to stay alive and care for their children. Brainwashing someone that it’s good or moral to voluntarily kill their offspring is the ultimate deception. They make you think that you are free when you are actually a slave who sacrifices their children for the convenience of the people in charge. Something to think about.
Great article. Wish I could have been a part of it. As a candidate for the general school system it would have been great for me to have gotten a little more exposure in the watchman.. If they attempted to contact me it may have gotten lost in the hundreds of emails I received.. Not much to be done about that. For the record I align very closely with Aaron Spratt.. The main things I am interested in more than anything in the school system is to provide better tracking for student skills and to expand the industrial alerts program by a factor of 5. It is currently under serving as many as 200 students a year.. There are other areas of interest for me as well like parental rights being protected and individual liberty through freedom of choice. I encourage the author of this article to please contact me if me if he has any questions about my candidacy.
Sorry for the typos, darn talk to text!!!