Gov. Mike Dunleavy joined Alaska Native groups in condemning the Biden administration after the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) signaled that it plans to close millions of acres in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) that has been made available for responsible Alaska resource development.
On Jan. 10, the Biden administration announced it is choosing to take “no action” with regard to the NPR-A’s 2020 Integrated Activity Plan. This could effectively close about half of the surface acreage of the reserve to energy leasing, and put the management back to the 2013 policies established under President Obama.
“This request for additional stay and accompanying information makes clear the Federal government intends another unwarranted hit to Alaska and the nation,” Dunleavy said on Jan. 11. “What they propose would further harm Alaska’s oil industry and disproportionately negatively affect Alaska Natives.”
The NPR-A generated more than $56 million in oil and gas lease revenue in 2019. It includes approximately 23 million of the Bureau of Land Management’s 25 million acres of federal mineral estate nationwide and is an important resource for meeting America’s energy needs.
This is further proof that the Biden Administration prioritizes its relationships with environmental organization.
Morrie Lemen, Executive Director of the Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope
The governor’s office noted that the decision to close down nearly half of the reserve seems to contradict the Biden administration’s so-called “top policy goal,” which is to “advance racial equity and support underserved communities…”
Alaska Native groups affected by the decision include Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope (ICAS), and North Slope Borough (Borough). These entities all roundly condemned the Biden administration’s actions for ignoring the needs, concerns and input of the local people who live, work and subsist in and around the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation President and CEO Rex Rock, Sr. called out both Biden and his Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland.
“Secretary Haaland and President Biden have chosen, with this decision, to not only ignore the voices of the North Slope Iñupiat but to exclude us from the decision-making process on issues that impact our Iñupiat communities and our culture,” he stated.
Morrie Lemen, Executive Director of the Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope, had similarly critical words.
“Secretary Haaland has violated her department’s consultation guidance and E.O. 13175 by failing to consult with Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope,” Lemen said. “We are a federally recognized Tribe, and this action directly impacts the livelihoods of our tribal members. This is further proof that the Biden Administration prioritizes its relationships with environmental organizations over the sovereignty of Alaska Natives.”
North Slope Borough Mayor Harry Brower, Jr. said Haaland is “failing in her responsibility to the Alaska Native people of the North Slope.”
Dunleavy said the Interior Department’s decision removes the very opportunities the reserve was intended for and further weakens U.S. energy productions.
“The U.S. Department of Interior is putting the nation in a situation where we have to rely on foreign oil countries at a time for growing prices and concern for American consumers,” he stated.
The governor’s office further noted that Biden’s stance on Natural Petroleum Reserve “disregards the concerns and input of the local Alaska Native people who rely on the NPR-A for employment and much needed funding for infrastructure projects and community needs through the Impact Mitigation Grant Fund, which is funded exclusively through royalties and revenues generated from oil & gas development in the NPR-A.”
What’s the point of statehood when our economic fortunes are at the whims of a distant government that still manages Alaska as if it’s a colony?
The Obama(Biden) administration has wanted to cause down oil production everywhere but we as Alaskans are being hurt the worst. Look at anything in our state. It’s just gotten less to get and more to buy if we get any. Food, clothing, fuel etc…
Joe Biden and the lunatic Marxist leftists are raping America
ARMED ROBBERY now a misdemeanor in NYC!
The leftist Democrats are CONTINUING TO DESTROY AMERICA!!!
Assuming that Biden actually did legitimately win the election (which is doubtful), you can be assured that most of bush Alaska, as loyal Democrat minions, voted for him. Elections have consequences, and this one has come back to bite them hard. many Native corporations are heavily invested in the oil industry.
Time to leave Alaska Where?
It’s awesome here in alaska
Where to go not a blue state, but I do like the warmth Hawaii wait there a blue state too.
So many woke rules
Perhaps he meant: Time to leave, Alaska!
Now will the natives punish Lisa Murkowski in November? Lisa helped confirm the Interior Secretary.
With all the help of Lisa Murkowski!
Notice that Secretary Haaland’s home state of (VERY BLUE New Mexico) has not and does not face the same restrictions to their economy vital oil industry? And this State discrimination is based on what? So much for the elation and excitement that went with appointing an ethnically diverse Secretary!! Remember how she was going to stand with and for Native values? Now she disproportionately attacks Alaskan Native business and interests.
“Alaska Native groups affected by the decision include Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope (ICAS), and North Slope Borough (Borough). These entities all roundly condemned the Biden administration’s actions for ignoring the needs, concerns and input of the local people who live, work and subsist in and around the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.”
I recall watching natives at Wainwright and Point Hope complain to Conoco personnel that oil development would upset their whale hunting. Have they changed their tune? Meanwhile, Alaskans submit to the rule of the BLM which has no Constitutional authority to even exist.
This does not bode well for our economy, very, very bad. We are already in a shipping crisis that is about to get exponentially worse, what can be worse then a crisis? How about a global collapse of the entire shipping industry, its almost ground to a halt right now and contrary to what CNN of the North broadcasts at 5PM it is NOT from workers calling in sick, the jab mandates are forcing this issue along with testing, 80% of the trucking industry does not want to be jabbed and this is only a fraction of the industry that brings us goods. This state is heavily reliant upon transportation of EVERYTHING to survive, at this point collapse is imminent and the effect felt on this state will be greater then stateside. Senators, Governor, Congressmen/woman, Mayors and other public officials, its time to wake up, we are literally weeks if not days away from empty stores and a total economic collapse.
Well its nice to see the governor and the native groups call out the Biden administration and secretary Deb Haaland but they should also add Lisa Murkowski to that list. Let’s not forget that the legendary Ted Stevens, Frank Murkowski and now traitor Lisa Murkowski tried for over 30 years to get ANWR open but failed. It wasn’t until President Trump cut through all the BS regulations and got it opened. And all Lisa Murkowski did was vote to impeach him and stab him in the back. So I hope the native groups will not fall for Lisa Murkowski’s doublespeak and vote her out in November!!! And then maybe we can also generate some income for the state so they won’t have to keep stealing our PFD.