Alaska’s Division of Elections will not verify the authenticity of voter signatures on the ballots cast in the upcoming June 11 special statewide primary to replace Rep. Don Young.
“There is no statutory authority to verify signatures, but voters will have to provide witness signatures,” a March 25 email from Alaska’s Division of Elections stated.
Since this will be the first time Alaska has ever conducted a statewide mail-in election, concerns have been raised about how the state will ensure that voters are who they claim to be.
Nationally, the most common way of verifying mail-in ballots is to have elections officials verify that a voter’s signature matches the signature on file with the division of elections. In Nevada, for instance, signature verification is performed on every ballot received. If the signature is missing or if the signature on the ballot return envelope does not match the signature on file for the voter, the ballot will not be counted until the voter verifies their signature.
Since Alaska has one of the most bloated voter registration rolls in the nation, it is a certainty that thousands of mail-in ballots will be sent to outdated addresses where the voter on file no longer resides.
But since Alaska law does not specifically authorize this, there will be no voter signature verification.
Multiple bills have been introduced in the current legislative session to address voter integrity issues, including voter signature verification, but they have languished in various House and Senate committee assignments. Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer submitted legislation to the current Legislature to address this issue, but his Senate Bill 167 has languished in the Senate State Affairs Committee since Jan. 18th with no movement. Several other bills dealing with voter signature verification have been introduced, including House Bill 96 by Gov. Mike Dunleavy. That bill has stalled in the House State Affairs Committee.
On April 27, the Division of Elections plans to mail all qualified voters a ballot to the address on file with the division of elections. As of March 1, there were more than 586,000 registered voters on file with the state, but since some addresses are known as “undeliverable” that number will be slightly lower.
Speaking separately to a groups of lawmakers, media and political activists, Spakovsky called mail-in ballots the “tool of choice” when it comes to vote fraud because they are the easiest ballots to steal and forge.
Since Alaska has one of the most bloated voter registration rolls in the nation, it is a certainty that thousands of mail-in ballots will be sent to outdated addresses where the voter on file no longer resides.
Alaska’s state’s voter rolls ballooned to 103% of registrations as of 2018 – the highest in the nation by a wide margin. That means there are tens of thousands of registered voters who either no longer live in Alaska or have died. And the predicament isn’t getting any better. In 2020 Alaska’s voter registration skyrocketed to 118%. This mounting problem coincides with a 2016 law which allowed the state to automatically register Alaskans when they apply for a PFD.
This past October two national election experts, Hans A. von Spakovsky and J. Christian Adams, traveled to Alaska to warn Gov. Dunleavy and Division of Election staff about the potential risks in Alaska’s election system.
Spakovsky is manager of Election Law Reform Initiative and a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation. He also served on President Trump’s 11-member Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Chaired by Vice President Mike Pence, this commission worked from May 2017 to January 2018 to review claims of voter fraud, improper registration and voter suppression across the country.
Speaking separately to a groups of lawmakers, media and political activists, Spakovsky called mail-in ballots the “tool of choice” when it comes to vote fraud because they are the easiest ballots to steal and forge.
This presents a problem given that Alaska has no voter signature verification system in place.
Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer was asked during a March 23 press conference why he couldn’t simply conduct an in-person special primary election. He said this was impossible due to a paper “supply chain” shortage and the difficulty in getting the necessary 2,000 election workers required to successfully conduct an in-person election by June 11.
During the upcoming mail-in special primary voters will cast a ballot for the one person they want to serve out the remaining months of Rep. Young’s term. The top four vote getters will then move on to a statewide special general election in which voters will rank the candidates from first to fourth. This will be an in-person (not mail-in) election. If the top candidate receives more than 50% of the vote in the first round of tallying, they win. If no candidate takes more than 50% of the vote, then the fourth-place candidate will be eliminated and all the second-place votes on that person’s ballots will be redistributed to the other candidates, accordingly as first place votes. This process continues until one candidate achieves more than 50% of the vote and wins.
We waste a lot of time and money on sham elections that always have a pre-determined outcome.
But wait! Forest Dunbar’s as this very day claims* he hears from many Senior Citizens that mail in voting is much preferred by and easier for them! But of course no proof offered to substantiate this ‘claim’. Anchorage has so many ways for Seniors to get to the polls, Anchor rides, free buses, South Central foundation, Salvation Army, the list is long, but ‘good ole’ Forest seems unaware.
why? I thought the 2020 election would cause election reform but it seems we are just legalizing the fraud. we the people don’t seem to care enough to stop them.
From what I tell the people care greatly. Conservatives everywhere are talking about the issue.
It’s the republicans who don’t care. They promise us the world and then the day after the election, they become democrats.
Certainly seems so. I just re-read the Oaths of office. Most must have their fingers crossed moment of their ‘swearing in.’ Are we surprised ? Alaska it is the muskegs, lower 48 its’ swamp.
So I guess I can fill out my ballot and get a signature to verify it’s me then go by the polling place and vote in person. Sounds like a great way to scam the system to me! I get two votes for my person to your one vote. I guess I know who’s going to win with this happening.
No, find output if any of your dead relatives are still registered, send in their ballots and sign for them. You better do it BEFORE the democrat operatives do!
You got it, Jeff! How long did it take you to “woke” to the ways of the world? You know, “do” ’em and “do” ’em good before you get “done!” That’s the motto of the seasoned frontiersmen! And don’t fall for anything to the contrary! Laws are for losers and suckers, and since you’re now “woke” you ain’t that kind of guy! Get more experience in voting for the dead men and you’ll find yourself a highly sought after political campaign field marshel! Thumbs up, bud!
Let’s Go Lisa!
How can we start a class action suit to stop the state from depriving us of our right to vote in a meaningful way rather than our votes being wasted amidst thousand of illegitimate votes.
Low and behold, all 586,244 registered voters voted in this election. Congratulations to the Democrats in their narrow victory!!!
There are key people in the legislature whose job it is to stall and oppose any good voter integrity laws. These legislators were paid for by outside sources to run for office and win, and because of ballot harvesting and money from unions in the lower 48 and up here being able to get them into office, The legislators care nothing about “We the people.” Only who pays them the most and then gives them the stalling orders. The corruption is obvious. Find out who are the stallers committees. The names will be the same as the ones who cheated their way into office. These are people with no integrityor honor who lie when running for office. In addition the naive voters believe their ads so here we are in a mess that the Governor and Lt. Governor do not want to deal with even if it is their job. The courts are worse if it goes that far. Pray is the most powerful tool for our corruption problems.
Alaska Hands Over Elections to Corrupt Democrats – Upcoming Election Will Have All Mail-In Ballots and No Signature Check!
Multiple bills have been introduced in the current legislative session to address voter integrity issues, including voter signature verification, but they have languished in various House and Senate committee assignments. Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer submitted legislation to the current Legislature to address this issue, but his Senate Bill 167 has languished in the Senate State Affairs Committee since Jan. 18th with no movement. Several other bills dealing with voter signature verification have been introduced, including House Bill 96 by Gov. Mike Dunleavy. That bill has stalled in the House State Affairs Committee.
Credit where credit is due!
Senate State Affairs Committee members hold up voting bill Senate Bill 167
Memebers Are:
Mike Shower- chair
Lora Reinbold-vice chair
Mia Costello
Roger Holland
House State Affairs Committee holds up voting bill-House Bill 96
Memebers Are:
Jonathan S. Kreiss-Tomkins-chair
Matt Claman-vice chair
Geran Tarr
Andi Story
Sarah Vance
James Kaufman
David Eastman
How can the people of Alaska fix this? How can we stop it? Alaskans need to unite and not allow this to happen!
History tells us that when a government gets out-of-control, the only way to reel them back in is a reset in the form of a revolution. This power was given to the people by our founding father’s and documented in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Until people organize and rise up, the government corruption will continue.
Since no one in Juneau can get together and pass a voting reform bill I’m not going vote any of them back into office. They’re down there in Juneau playing games with our children’s future.
We have a governor who is spineless and weak, a legislative branch full if incompetent self serving boobs, and a literal criminal judiciary.
As long as mail in voting and unsupervised drop boxes are allowed to continue, AK can count down the days of the end of our state.
Why even vote. . . .
Cynically speaking, voting is an empty exercise not unlike jogging in place. We are just so many bricks in the wall, and the system is always being gamed! We’ve seen politician after politician hustle their way into office; but, to what end? This I’ve learned: regardless of who is in office, they all can be “accessed” for a price! It is a finely tuned system predicated upon “political contributions.” It works amazing well for those people with plenty of disposable cash! If you want the system to work for you, you must be able to “grease the skids”–discretely, of course!
What if I don’t have two people to sign my witness signatures? Does that mean I do not get to vote now?
You can get anyone to witness a ballot. Friend, neighbor, hell grab the homeless guy sleeping in the woods – give him a pint and he’ll sign it guaranteed.
This is insanity. Has 2020 taught us nothing?
The members of the Senate State Affairs Committee need to understand that voter integrity is very IMPORTANT to Alaskans. Their inaction on this issue will be held to account. Let’s not repeat mistakes made in the Lower 48 states. Our elected representatives have a duty to protect the integrity of our cherished state voting system.
Pissed off I’m beyond word’s. If this doesn’t escalate into a uncivil result with all that we have been through, I will be utterly dumbfounded! Myer just may want to build a wall around his house like all the other lawless leaders who think way too highly of themselves.
This state reeks of corruption
All I can say anymore is “AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH”
When did this happen? Who voted for this? And don’t blame Ballot Measure 2 because nothing in that law established mail-in voting.
this so they can steal the election for Murkowski…plain and simple. there are no coincidences…