Abortion fundraisers are not typical for the Denali Education Center, a nonprofit that partners with Denali National Park and Preserve to promote outdoor education to youth and others. But on July 29, the center is letting radical abortion activists utilize its facility – free of charge – to raise funds that will later be funneled to abortionists across the Northwest to kill unborn babies.

Activists associated with Northwest Abortion Access Fund asked if they could use the Denali Education Center, and were promptly given a green light by the center’s leadership. Money raised during the wine and cheese event will go to pay for food, lodging, travel and actual abortions for women in the Northwest.
While the educational center – located just outside Denali National Park – is best known for fostering outdoor instruction, nature walks, weekly youth and toddler events and other activities related to Denali National Park, the center also hosts music concerts, art openings, and other community gatherings from time to time.
Jill Boelsma, operation director for the Denali Education Center said the abortion fundraiser is free and open to the general public.
“It does not necessarily have to have anything to do with the National Park,” she said of events hosted at the center. “Because we’re independent of the National Park … we do some programs in conjunction with them, but we are not under the park umbrella.”
The event is especially tailored for soliciting money to underwrite the killing of unborn babies.
When asked whether abortion fundraisers are a bit outside the scope of what the center typically allows, Boelsma simply said the center welcomes controversy.
“We’ve had lots of controversial topics here and we like to offer an open forum for people to express,” she said. “We’ve had talks about pro and against the taking of wolves, for example. We’ve had lots of things over time. We like to provide a forum for education and opinions of all varieties.”
The abortion fundraiser, however, is not a forum to freely share opposing ideas, but an event especially tailored for soliciting money to underwrite the killing of unborn babies. The evening includes wine and hors d’oeuvres, live music and art displays.
Formed in 1989 as an independent non-profit, the Denali Education Center states on its website that it exists to provide “fun, informative, and inspiring programs that connect people to Denali” while creating “lasting memories” and fostering “a new generation of land stewards.”
Just two days before the abortion fundraiser, the center hosted “Tundra Tots,” a preschool program for toddlers (ages 2-5 years) that employs “storytelling, play and art to provide meaningful outdoor experiences for the whole family. Tundra Tots will get your kids laughing, learning, and exploring all the wonders that Denali has to offer!”
The abortion fundraiser is from 5:30-9 p.m. on Friday, July 29. The Watchman has learned that pro-life advocates are planning to attend the event to peacefully protest at that time.
— Click here to contact the leadership at Denali Education Center.
Please remove Denali Education Center images from your website. When a person creates an image in the United States, that image is automatically granted copyright protection. When an image has copyright protection, no one else can use the image without the owner giving permission. DEC does not give permission for the use of our images.
Tell the world and Alaska about this evil event about to take place at Denali Education Center.
Maybe I’ll show up and take a picture, then I’ll give my image to Alaska Watchman.
Oops! Not loving the publicity? Own the messages you’re willing to promote. Getting your panties in a twist over a picture you use to show how much you care about children, but promoting an abortion fundraiser gratis. Lmao
While true for commercial use, you clearly do not understand public domain nor Fair Use Doctrine for news reporting. Educate yourself, or if you are so inclined, take legal action and we will be sure to educate you and send you a healthy bill for our legal expenses, as is standard practice in frivolous business law. Have a wonderful day!
Well said Jake, and thanks for sticking to your guns.
Jake, why would you use their logo if they asked you not to do so? It seems like a pretty reasonable “ask”. Divisiveness only makes our society less compatible. I’m asking you as a fellow citizen, who wants all of us build a better place for all of us to live, to respect their “ask”.
Uh oh. Denali Education Center don’t like like the heat
“……….We’ve had lots of controversial topics here and we like to offer an open forum for people to express,” she said. “We’ve had talks about pro and against the taking of wolves, for example……..”
I’ll bet the pro-“takers” were well beat up by everybody there, too. For example, were the “takers” hunters, trappers, or both? Was it all about the “taking” in the Nenana River drainage and the Charley River National Preserve, or statewide?
I’m catching a whiff of cancel culture from the intolerant Right!
Cancel culture is wholly owned by you leftists, so when God fearing conservatives create an awesome news outlet such as Alaska Watchman for like minded folks, I say it’s about time. You are welcome and encouraged to return to watching snowflake media like CNN and out of touch programs like The Talk, because the rest of us really do not care about your opinion.
That’s unfortunate, Russ. Not taking or even listening to other’s opinions only leads to a chasm that we can’t cross. I would hope that you would want to respect and listen to opinions that differ from yours.
No one should care about their protest. It wasn’t worth wasting gas and milage when there are single mothers
in anchorage needing prolifers time and love spending time to helping their
child learn the gospel, even babysitting on the weekends when childcare is limited. The pro lifers got empty oil lamps but so do all the gunter thompans. You all don’t even know what the meaning of being of service to one another.
Hey Church Lady, even though I have know idea what you mean, you should know that my oil lamp is fully a charged and ready to do what its supposed to do.
Well, that escalated quickly!
Hey Church Lady, even though I have no idea what you mean, you should know that my oil lamp is fully a charged and ready to do what its supposed to do.
Ok pro-lifers apply to use the same center, free of charge too. Go get em.