In the lead up to the Oct. 4 elections in Fairbanks, Alaska Family Action has released its “Values Voter Guide” to help identify candidates who support traditional family values.
The guide covers races for Fairbanks City mayor, Fairbanks City Council, Fairbanks Assembly and Fairbanks School Board.
Candidates were asked where they stand on a host of critical issues such as LGBTQ laws, abortion, First Amendment rights, religious liberties, critical race theory, parental rights and other matters.
While most candidates answered the survey, there were several who are known to be left of center who refused to participate.
Click here to read how candidates answered the questions.
I’ve seen several voter guides for this election thus far. NONE of them say anything about the ballot propositions. Why? Both the borough and the city have important propositions on the ballot.
These people who did not respond are the cry babies, snow flakes, sheep, there afraid of us. They don’t want to lose there power.
Please Don’t vote for these people.
Joel, what are your thoughts on the candidates who did not respond to your questions? …..Are there any good eggs among them?