Prolife prayer vigils are often dominated by the presence of dedicated and deeply committed women sharing hope and alternatives with mothers who feel trapped into no other option having their unborn babies killed at an abortion center.
With acts of violence, vandalism and intimidation on the rise against peaceful prolife advocates across the nation, the need for men to join in prayerful solidarity is critical.
Contrary to what pro-abortion activists claim, the pro-life struggle is not merely a women’s issue. It impacts the entire human family. We need fathers, sons, brothers, uncles and grandfathers standing in solidarity with the reliable army of generous and compassionate women.
In Anchorage, 40 Days for Life advocates are currently praying outside of the largest Planned Parenthood abortion mill in the state. It’s not enough to merely offer friendly honks or thumbs up. Being prolife does not consist in simply entertaining prolife thoughts or private, internal sentiments. It involves concrete actions.
To be clear, these vigils are entirely peaceful and legal. They entail prayers and holding signs that say, “Pray to end abortion.” Participants are literally offering a lifeline of hope right outside one of the darkest and most degrading corners of our state. Joining this cause is the least a self-professing pro-lifer can do.
40 days for life continues through Nov. 6. For all the details on how to participate, click here.
Prayer vigils in front of Planned Parenthood works! Well over one hundred PP’s have closed nationwide, including the one in Soldotna, thanks to a faithful group of persistent prayer warriors on the sidewalk.
How do you know that prayer is responsible for the closures?
Because we believe in God’s promises. If you’d research Christ’s life story in scripture you’d know what I’m referring to. Your obvious sarcasm aside, best of luck to you with your personal efforts if that works for you. I choose faith in God.
“It’s not enough to merely offer friendly honks or thumbs up. Being prolife does not consist in simply entertaining prolife thoughts or private, internal sentiments. It involves concrete actions.”
I have prayed/walked/handed out pamphlets at the PP abortion mill in Anchorage. Yet I strongly disagree with your “it’s not enough” comment. Being a self-appointed arbiter of “what is enough” simply divides & thus harms the movement. We want a big tent! I’ve heard this sort of finger-wagging from fellow prolifers, fellow homeless shelter volunteers, and fellow prison ministry volunteers, with each group showing contempt for those who lack their particular focus. Look, nobody can do everything, and only each person can know what is best for them.
But all you men: if you really feel the need to “man up” and prove how macho you are for God, please volunteer for prison release work (be warned, it makes praying at abortion clinics feel safe and easy).
To close: everyone who honks and waves? THANK YOU! It helps make up for all the middle fingers :-). And even if you don’t honk, please support prolife candidates however you can. And please never let those accusing you of lacking their particular agenda dissuade you from your great work, no matter what it is.