
With the turkeys all carved and eaten, and most of the dishes cleaned, we’d like to take a moment to express our gratitude to fellow Alaskans who have exhibited courage, fortitude and incredible compassion over the last few years.

We are grateful to the fathers and mothers who embrace their role as first educators of their children – those who pass on a living faith in God, who sacrifice to homeschool or pay private tuition, who attempt to hold teachers, librarians, school administrators and school board members to account. Your work is critical to the formation of the next generation. Continue to boldly defend these little ones.

Thank you to pastors and priests who refuse to whitewash or water down the reality that we were all created to bend our knees in obedience, service, love and worship of God. You point us back to the compass amid the storm.

We are thankful, too, for the many grassroots organizations across our state that organize, educate and inspire friends, neighbors and fellow citizens to engage in the public square. These groups gather for weekly or monthly meetings to explore American history, our constitutional rights and to stay informed regarding pressing local, state and national events. Voluntary assemblies serve a critical purpose, and they must grow and expand in the coming months and years.

We thank those who never waiver in personally advocating and caring for the preborn, the sick, the marginalized and the elderly. Your work is often unseen and unacknowledged, but it is the gritty and ennobling manifestation of love in this suffering world.

We also deeply admire and appreciate publicly elected officials, both local and statewide, who possess the skill, intelligence and moral backbone to defend and advance timeless truths. Press on! Your fortitude is cause for hope.

Finally, we want to thank our readers. Your news tips, words of encouragement and financial support is humbling and deeply appreciated. With your help, we will continue to fight for Alaska.

Thank you all.

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To Alaskans who burn brightest!

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.

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