A trial that has drawn widespread attention from First Amendment advocates around the country will conclude this morning with closing arguments set to begin at 8:30 a.m.
Plaintiffs in this lawsuit have asked Superior Court Judge Jack McKenna to rule that Alaska State Rep. David Eastman be disqualified from holding public office due to his membership in the national Oath Keepers organization.
The argument is that Oath Keepers – as an organization – advocated for the violent overthrow of the government on Jan. 2, 2021, and that membership in this organization violates the Alaska Constitution’s disloyalty clause barring anyone from holding public office who are members of such organizations.
In determining whether to invalidate Eastman’s recent election to a fourth consecutive term in the State House of Representatives, Judge McKenna will need to answer key questions, including the following:
Is Eastman a member of Oath Keepers?
Does Oath Keepers, as an organization, advocate for the violent overthrow of the government?
Is it possible for leaders in Oath Keepers to advocate for the violent overthrow of the government, without the larger organization being implicated?
Does Alaska’s disloyalty clause violate the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and freedom to peaceably assemble?
After today’s closing arguments, which will be broadcast live, here and here, Judge McKenna is expected to issue his ruling shortly after Christmas.
We all know how “judge” McKenna will be ruling. He has PROVEN himself to NOT be able to render an impartial ruling. He is commie lefty all the way! Get JACK off the bench! Step down you oath breaking “judge”.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. In this case Mr. Eastman. Either way Judge McKenna rules there will be dome upset people. If he rules against I see Mr. Eastman going to Supreme Court. If he is convicted I see Mr. Kowalke going. This will only be over in Alaska and it will stop waisting our states money. Next case will be our district’s money. This was a sham from the start. It should of never gotten this far. Alaska’s corrupt legal system aloud this sham and now we’ll be in the lime light for awhile. How many other cases will this bring now? Again it’s the Alaskan people that loose.
Oh it was January 6th not 2nd.
Prayers for David…. so sick of. these leftist perverting reality.
My guy you’ve been arrested numerous times for hitting your wife then stalking your EX WIFE. Sit this one out.
As long as this has been going on, I am still amazed at the hatefulness and divisive tactics of the lefties and their paid schills, trolls and bots. American Truth, repent to Our Heavenly Father and ask for forgiveness, he wants you to be saved.
Why is there no jury? I thought everybody had a right to a jury because of the corruption that can happen of only one person deciding
I wondered same thing. So a politicized leftist judge is the sole determiner of the outcome?
Here’s a link that explains it. Scroll down to “Demand for Jury Trial (Denied)”. https://davidlegal.org/kowalke-v-eastman-pleadings/