Beware of those who twist constitutions to advance even a good cause
Properly understanding constitutions and charters is not hard. They are kept simple because the people ought to be able to comprehend them and, at least in a virtuous culture, sound the alarm if and when they might be violated. The trouble is we have
Marxists to unleash “Queer Wrath” in Anchorage
In its ongoing attempt to harness outrage over the death of George Floyd to advance progressive social issues, the Anchorage chapter of the Party for Socialism & Liberation is organizing another march through Anchorage. This time the theme is “Queer
Supreme Court redefines sex to include ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’
The U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion on June 15 that redefines “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” when determining sex discrimination in the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The 6-3 decision redefines the federal law, which was
Public testimony largely in favor of Palmer police chief
The Palmer City Council’s June 9 meeting included more than two hours of public testimony, mostly in support of Police Chief Dwayne Shelton who was placed on administrative leave with pay last month following the discovery of certain social media comments
Palmer protest marked by prayer, dialogue, politics and anger
More than a thousand protesters filled the streets of downtown Palmer for a Black Lives Matter march on Saturday. Chanting, “No justice, no peace,” and “Racist cops have got to go,” marchers carried homemade signs as they filled the sidewalks and
Mat-Su nixes problematic mail-in voting plan
After hearing nearly two hours of public testimony on June 2, the Mat-Su Assembly ultimately rejected a proposal to implement a mail-in voting program for its 2020 elections. Public comment was overwhelmingly opposed to a resolution that would have shuttered
Anchorage Assembly narrowly votes down face mask mandate for businesses
Anchorage business owners will not be forced to require face masks for all employees. The Assembly narrowly defeated the proposal by Assembly Member Forest Dunbar at its June 2 meeting. Dunbar argued that mandatory masks at all businesses were needed to slow
Mayor allowed to keep emergency powers in Anchorage
The Anchorage Assembly voted 9-2 on June 2 to extend Mayor Ethan Berkowitz’s ability to enact and enforce emergency orders as they pertain to COVID-19. With the extension, Berkowitz can continue to punish residents who violate his orders regarding the
Socialists to criticize police in Saturday’s march through Anchorage
The Marxist inspired Party for Socialism and Liberation will lead a march through the streets of Anchorage this Saturday, June 6. “Join us in standing together in solidarity with the uprisings in the lower 48 and in opposition to any military occupation of
Anchorage Assembly could mandate masks for all business employees
The Anchorage Assembly will consider a regulation mandating that all businesses require face masks for their employees. The issue is set for discussion at the June 2 Assembly meeting. If passed, employers would need to supply employees with the coverings and