OPINION: Alaskans don’t need a gun-grabbing, anti-2A, ‘red flag’ law
Alaska House Bill 89 seeks to authorize the temporary confiscation of firearms from individuals deemed a potential danger to themselves or others, based on minimal evidence and without due
OPINION: Fairbanks State Sen. Kawasaki poses clear threat to Alaska gun rights
Senator Kawasaki is not just attacking your gun rights – he’s silencing your voice. His contempt for the Second Amendment and disregard for the First Amendment are
Q&A: U.S. House candidate Nick Begich on abortion, Murkowski, Trump, guns, parent rights, border crisis and more
Q&A: U.S. House candidate Nick Begich on abortion, Murkowski, Trump, guns, parent rights, border crisis and
Here’s where Mat-Su Assembly candidates stand on gun-range regs
Gun rights survey asks Mat-Su Assembly candidates where they stand on gun-range
OPINION: Anti-gun lawmakers introduce bills to roll back 2A rights of Alaskans
As we expected, the anti-gun zealots introduced their legislation in Juneau this month. They’re aiming to take away your gun rights through gun-confiscation schemes like so called “Red-Flag” laws and the “Home-Invasion Incentive Act.” Red-flag laws
Jan. 14-15 Wasilla High gun show continues an American firearm tradition
Alaskan gun enthusiasts are gearing up for this weekend’s 38th annual Gun and Outdoor show at Wasilla High School. Hosted by the Wasilla Warriors Hockey Booster Club, the show will run Jan. 14-15 in the high school gymnasium. The longstanding event is part
National 2A group decries Murkowski and GOP senators for anti-gun vote
A national gun rights organization is denouncing U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and 17 other GOP senators who voted with Democrats to pass last month’s $1.7 trillion dollar government funding bill, which is riddled with gun control initiatives, including $11
Mat-Su voters pass law granting them final say over any new gun regs
There will be no new borough regulations to restrict the discharge of firearms outside city limits without the expressed approval of Mat-Su voters. On Nov. 8, Mat-Su Borough voters overwhelmingly approved a proposition requiring that “any future ordinance
Sen. Hughes: Alaska’s Constitutional Convention Question is truly David vs. Goliath
Alaskans, I respectfully implore you to recognize that the flood of paid advertisements you’ve been hearing about a state constitutional convention may not be the whole story – and dare I say it is “spinning” the story to protect the power and wealth
OPINION: Alaska is in the midst of a great constitutional debate
Every 10 years the voters of Alaska have the chance to determine whether to open our state constitution up for changes. Our founders had the foresight to give us this option. “Defend Our Constitution,” the group using substantial amounts of dark