
Rep LeDoux pic

Rep. LeDoux denies criminal charges of voter misconduct

Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux, R-Anchorage, and two others have been charged with voter misconduct by the State of Alaska. Attorney General Kevin G. Clarkson announced March 13 that criminal charges were filed against Rep. LeDoux, Lisa (Vaught) Simpson, and Caden
Gavel pic

Judgeship opening in Fairbanks

There’s an opening for a judge in the Fairbanks District Court. The Alaska Judicial Council is taking applications for the post due to the upcoming retirement of Judge Patrick Hammers. Those interested can apply online here. Completed applications must be
Kenai Assembly pic

Kenai Assembly splits 5-4 in support of LGBT hate crime bill

Following an impassioned and sometimes angry public comment period, the Kenai Borough Assembly narrowly approved a resolution on Feb. 25, urging the Alaska Legislature to include “sexual orientation and gender identity” in state hate crimes law. Sponsored