New Mat-Su legislator claims most Republicans are fine with gay ‘marriage’
Jesse Sumner, who recently won election as a Republican state representative for the Mat-Su, claims that he and the majority of Alaska Republicans are no longer interested in defending the state’s constitutional definition of marriage as “the union of one
Babies are increasingly rare in Alaska
A new report from the Alaska Dept. of Health reveals that Alaska births are continuing their downward spiral with just 9,410 new babies born in 2021. That’s 1,042 fewer births than in 2017 and the lowest number since at least 1992, when there were 11,725
Why neo-Marxism embodies ideas of white privilege, systemic racism & collective justice
In the early 1980s, I attended a graduate school at Brown University, where only two Soviet-born and raised students attended the time. I was from Kiev and Boris from Odessa, both cities of the former Soviet Union. I was a graduate student in the Anthropology
Peltola joins all Dems and 39 Republicans in passing gay ‘marriage’ bill
On Dec. 8, Alaska Congresswoman Mary Peltola joined all 219 House Democrats, along with 39 Republicans in helping to pass the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act,” which codifies same-sex “marriage” in federal law. President Joe Biden is expected to
Juneau boasts of 100% score on LGBTQ wokeness index
The City and Borough of Juneau is celebrating its perfect 100% score in a national survey that ranks cities across the U.S. on how militantly they push the LGBTQ political and cultural agenda in law, policy and local activism. For the second straight year,
To Alaskans who burn brightest!
With the turkeys all carved and eaten, and most of the dishes cleaned, we’d like to take a moment to express our gratitude to fellow Alaskans who have exhibited courage, fortitude and incredible compassion over the last few years. We are grateful to the
Why give thanks?
We live in a world wounded by profound and ever-growing confusion and injustice. Often, it seems conservative, God-fearing Americans are waging a cultural and spiritual battle defined by occasional victories which are quickly overshadowed by
Homer author won’t be bullied by LGBTQ activist who wants her Christmas book cancelled
Homer resident and aspiring author, Maddy Veldstra, is feeling the ire of cancel culture after she dared to object to the Homer Library’s practice of planting controversial books that promote drag queens and transgenderism in the children’s section of the
Sen. Dan Sullivan has betrayed Alaskans on the most critical issues
There is absolutely nothing more foundational to society than the institution of marriage and the right to exercise one’s religious beliefs in the public square. Sen. Dan Sullivan had pledged to defend and uphold these tenets in the U.S. Senate, but on Nov.
Sullivan teams with Murkowski to help Dems advance same-sex marriage law
In what some are calling one of the most devastating defeats conservatives have endured when it comes to family and marriage issues, Alaska’s Republican Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski broke from the majority of their party to join the