Pro-abort climate alarmists claim victory in decision to shutter Alaska’s largest coal plant
A prominent and increasingly influential group of radical pro-abortion climate activists in Alaska are lavishing praise and taking credit for the June 27 decision by the Golden Valley Electric Association Board (GVEA) to decommission Alaska’s largest
Alaska’s United Methodists say there’s a spiritual need to abort ‘sacred’ life
The Alaska United Methodist Conference, which encompasses 27 churches across the state, joined partner congregations from the greater Pacific Northwest in affirming the “divine gift of free will” to choose abortion, and denouncing the U.S. Supreme
OPINION: What must Alaska do in a post-Roe world?
It is impossible to overestimate the significance of the Supreme Court’s decision for life and for the Constitution. On June 24th, 2022, the Court righted a horrible wrong by soundly overturning Roe v Wade, a stain on American jurisprudence with more than
OPINION: Gov. Dunleavy urged to act decisively while the pro-life ‘tide is high’
The ACLU’s pro-active stance is another reason we need a special session this summer! Gov. Mike Dunleavy, are you listening? Your campaign claims you are always fighting for Alaskans, but that rings hollow without a call for a special session,
The morphing of the pro-life movement
“We are in a real war, with real blood being shed, real lives being lost, a true genocide in our midst.” “This is a war, a bloody war, for the soul of our country.” “We fight not only in the temporal world, but the Powers, Thrones, Dominions and
ACLU details ‘full force’ fight to preserve abortion in Alaska & elsewhere
While pro-life advocates across the nation are celebrating the June 24 U.S. Supreme Court decision to strike down Roe v. Wade and return the abortion question back to individual states, they have their work cut out. The ACLU has vowed to fight “for as long
Alaska’s abortion activists urged to scream, pound drums, blow kazoos & strategize
Just hours after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade and returned the abortion question to each state to decide, Alaska abortion activists sprang into action. Across the state they are planning a series of meetings to brainstorm how to maintain the
TODAY: Alaska pro-lifers to hold 1PM rally outside Anchorage abortion clinic
A group of pro-life advocates plan to gather today (June 24) on the sidewalk outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Anchorage to peacefully pray and celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The landmark ruling brings
Alaska’s leading political figures weigh in on landmark abortion ruling
Most of the top political figures across Alaska issued statements after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 24 to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that legalized the killing of the unborn across the nation. The court’s ruling will return the
Headlines and history on the day Roe fell
These headlines you will not see on this historic day: “Unborn children empowered” “Court Restores Constitutional Federalism” “Nation Braces for Lawless Anarchy by Unhinged Abortion Supporters” “Prolife Movement Praises God, Prolife Justices”