
Stories and News regarding the sanctity of Life in the Last Frontier and events that may hinder liberty or challenge our rights as Alaskans.

Pregnant belly

Defend unborn Alaskans – they are our future

The safest place on earth should be the womb. The Lord designed it to provide warmth, nutrition, oxygen and protection for the growth of new life. Lately, however, I haven’t seen too many pregnant women in the stores, and very few newborns in little car

Troopers find mother of baby abandoned on New Year’s Eve

The Alaska State Troopers have identified and located the juvenile mother of a newborn baby who had been abandoned at a Fairbanks intersection on New Year’s Eve in sub-zero temperatures. A Jan. 4 statement from the Troopers noted that law enforcement

Pro-life clinic to help Alaskans reverse chemical abortions

Every week, roughly nine Alaska women ingest a powerful chemical concoction which first kills and then aborts their unborn babies. In order to kill the developing human life, two pills must be taken. The first contains mifepristone, which blocks progesterone,

12.20 > Healthcare costs are exploding

In a recent commentary, I pointed out the shift in focus among hospitals from refuges for the sick and injured into profit centered extraction chambers that almost omit a sucking sound as you walk through the sliding doors… but it’s probably just the